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From the GSX campaign archives
Hydrosaurus, Norman Conrad, Tom Hackney, and Dodie Miller, Kerry Park, 2000
No Gas Pipeline on Baird's farm in Cobble Hill
Steve Miller, Kerry Park, 2000
Archie Staats and the Raging Grannies, Kerry Park, 2000
Energy Forum in Duncan, 2000
thanks to Peter Ronald

Natural gas price chart Click here for more charts   December 20, 2004
GSX Pipeline Project CANCELLED

June 17, 2005
Duke Point Project CANCELLED

BC Hydro's 2005 Annual Report
$120 million in unrecovered costs

Global Energy Issues

Mackenzie pipeline gets a boost
A decades-old northern dream has taken a major step ahead after the panel that was assigned to review the Mackenzie Valley natural gaspipeline concluded that it should go forward.
Nathan VanderKlippe, Globe and Mail, 30-Dec-2009 ... more

30 Dec 2009

Review Panel blesses Mackenzie Gas Pipeline
MGP-JRP-Report-Cover-20091230-117.jpg"In the Panel’s view, the Mackenzie Gas Project and the associated Northwest Alberta Facilities would provide the foundation for a sustainable northern future."
Joint Review Panel Report, Mackenzie Gas Project, 30-Dec-2009 ... more

30 Dec 2009

China to buy stake in oilsands
Industry Minister Tony Clement has approved a deal in which a state-owned Chinese company will invest $1.9 billion in Alberta oilsands properties.
Financial Post, 30-Dec-2009 ... more

30 Dec 2009

Coast Guard runs two probes of grounding
The last and perhaps final working voyage of the tugboat Pathfinder appeared to have been routine and uneventful until it struck notorious Bligh Reef last week on the way home from an ice-scouting mission.
Ricahrd Mauer, Anchorage Daily News, 29-Dec-2009 ... more

30 Dec 2009

Crews abandon efforts to skim oil
The owner of the disabled tugboat Pathfinder gained approval Thursday evening to begin pumping the remaining diesel fuel from the tug's two tanks that were slashed open on the unforgiving rock of Bligh Reef the night before.
Richard Mauer & Elizabeth Bluemink, Anchorage Daily News, 25-Dec-2009 ... more

26 Dec 2009

Accord reached on global warming
An international deal on global warming was reached late Friday, a last-minute breakthrough that was described as only a first step and insufficient to fight climate change.
Kelly Cryderman, Vancouver Sun, 19-Dec-2009 ... more

19 Dec 2009

Saskatchewan: Nuclear? Not Now
Saskatchewan residents won't see a nuclear power plant on the horizon in the next decade but a reactor might still make sense in the future, the provincial government said Thursday.
Angela Hall, Leader-Post, 18-Dec-2009 ... more

19 Dec 2009

Alberta shale gas play in spotlight
A new natural-gas shale play, akin to the Horn River gas field in northwestern British Columbia, is emerging in Alberta, and explorers made a multi-million gamble on the zone earlier this week.
Carrie Tait, Financial Post, 17-Dec-2009 ... more

17 Dec 2009

The Enbridge Oil Sands Gamble
Patrick Daniel, the CEO of Enbridge Inc, is bullish about the future of unconventional oil from Canada’s massive tar sand deposits.
Andrew Nikiforuk, CorpWatch, 14-Dec-2009 ... more

15 Dec 2009

Northern Gateway Pipeline: Availability of Funding
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is making available $600,000 under its Participant Funding Program to assist groups and individuals to participate in the environmental review of the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline Project.
Notice, CEAA, 04-Dec-2009 ... more

06 Dec 2009

Pipeline review draws criticism
Federal terms of reference for assessing the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline brought instant condemnation from environmental groups yesterday.
Judith Lavoie, Times Colonist, 05-Dec-2009 ... more

06 Dec 2009

Northern Gateway Pipeline: Joint Review Panel Agreement Issued
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and the National Energy Board issued today the Joint Review Panel Agreement, including the Terms of Reference, for the environmental and regulatory review of the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline Project.
News Release, NEB & CEAA, 04-Dec-2009 ... more

04 Dec 2009

Copenhagen: Seattle Grows Up
"If Seattle was the 'movement of movements' coming-out party, then maybe Copenhagen will be a celebration of our coming of age," says John Jordan. He cautions that growing up doesn't mean playing it safe, eschewing civil disobedience in favor of staid meetings. "I hope we have grown up to become much more disobedient." ... more
29 Nov 2009

EnCana grapples with gas glut
Starting Monday when EnCana splits into two companies, Eric Marsh will be charged with finding ways to use natural gas when he takes over the position of "Executive Vice-President Natural Gas Economy"--a fancy way of describing a natural gas evangelist.
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 28-Nov-2009
'Size of the prize' huge for shareholders:Cenovus CEO
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 28-Nov-2009 ... more

29 Nov 2009

Pipeline to West Coast gains backing
Commercial support is building for a new pipeline to carry oil sands crude on its way to Asia, as Canada's energy industry seeks diversification from the U.S. market and an escape valve from potentially punitive climate-change regulations.
Nathan VanderKlippe, Globe and Mail, 19-Nov-2009 ... more

20 Nov 2009

Climate Denial Industry Costs Us $500 Billion a Year
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has announced in its latest World Energy Outlook that every year of delayed action to address climate change will add $500 Billion to the price tag of saving the planet.
James Hoggan, desmogblog, 16-Nov-2009 ... more

18 Nov 2009

Vast majority of stimulus projects escape environmental-impact studies
More than 90 per cent of the thousands of new infrastructure projects across the country are slated to get funding from the Harper government without being required to undergo a federal assessment of their environmental impact, Canwest News Service has learned.
Mike de Souza, Victoria Times Colonist, 16-Nov-2009 ... more

16 Nov 2009

Shale or sham?
Art Berman didn't set out to become the Cassandra of shale gas. That's simply been the result as the Sugar Land petroleum geologist and consultant has persisted in raising doubts about the hottest play in the domestic energy industry.
Loren Steffy, Houston Chronicle, 12-Nov-2009 ... more

13 Nov 2009

'Oil sands?' Bite your tongue
First they were tar sands. Then they were oil sands. Now? Enhanced oil projects. At least according to En-Cana Corp. and its oil-sands spinoff, Cenovus Energy Inc.
Carrie Tait, Financial Post, 13-Nov-2009 ... more

13 Nov 2009

Wind energy delivers 53% of Spain's electricity demand
Wind Energy covered more than 50 percent of the electricity demand the whole of Sunday morning. It also achieved a record high of simultaneous generation with 11,546>Asociación Empresarial Eólica, 13-Nov-2009
Spain reaches new wind record: 45.1% of Spain’s total electricity demand
Regulación Eólica con Vehiculos Electricós, November 8 2009 ... more

13 Nov 2009

Canada steps up oil sands push in United States
Canada has mounted its biggest campaign yet to sell the United States on the energy security benefits of the oil sands as Washington debates new environmental policy, the country's energy minister said on Friday.
Jeffrey Jones, National Post, 06-Nov-2009 ... more

07 Nov 2009

Spill in Australia
On Aug. 21 this year, a blowout ripped through an oil drilling rig operating in Australian water, more than 100 miles offshore. The rig had to be evacuated as the blowout sent crude oil spewing into the ocean. Two months later, the blowout was still raging
Editorial, Anchorage Daily News, 31-Oct-2009 ... more

01 Nov 2009

Get ready for triple-digit oil again soon
Nothing is shrinking faster these days than global trade. For the first time in decades, world trade volume, the lifeblood of the global economy, is actually falling. And chances are that downsizing is here to stay.
Jeff Rubin, Globe and Mail, 30-Oct-2009 ... more

31 Oct 2009

Suzuki & Pembina: Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity
Canada can succeed economically while meeting targets to reduce global warming pollution, according to an economic modelling study commissioned by the Pembina Institute and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Media Release, David Suzuki Foundation, 29-Oct-2009
Climate policy cost report casts light on the coming reckoning for the Canadian federation
George Hoberg & Stephanie Taylor, Green Policy Prof, 30-Oct-2009 ... more

30 Oct 2009

Quebec, N.B. strike $4.8B deal for NB Power
Quebec and New Brunswick have reached a proposed deal that would see Hydro-Québec buy the majority of NB Power's assets for $4.8 billion. New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham and Quebec Premier Jean Charest announced the historic deal in Fredericton on Thursday, concluding a week of speculation.
CBC News, 29-Oct-2009
Hydro-Québec eyes N.B. as 'energy hub'
Hydro-Québec is committed to making New Brunswick into an “energy hub” with the acquisition of most of the assets of New Brunswick Power Corp., says the head of Quebec's giant hydroelectric utility.
Bertrand Marotte, Globe and Mail, 29-Oct-2009 ... more

29 Oct 2009

Alberta-Superior pipeline takes center stage in world climate debate
The Enbridge "Alberta Clipper" project will result in 3,000 construction jobs. The influx of workers already has created a shortage of rental housing in Bemidji. On Sept. 3 a coalition including the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy and Bemidji-based Indigenous Environmental Network filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco to stop the pipeline.
Richard Thomas, Business North, 27-Oct-2009
Scraping bottom
Editorial, Business News, 27-Oct-2009 ... more

28 Oct 2009

New book outlines the PR effort behind climate-change skeptics
Climate Cover-up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming is an analysis by a well-informed insider of how the debate was skilfully framed by public relations experts to call that science into question, exploit the media's weakness for a good controversy and ultimately to sow confusion and doubt in the public's mind.
Stephen Hume, Vancouver Sun, 28-Oct-2009 ... more

28 Oct 2009

Shale gas could delay Alaska pipeline plans
The more abundant Lower 48 shale gas reserves become, the more likely a delay for a natural gas pipeline between Alaska's North Slope and North American markets, a federal energy analyst says.
Rena Delbridge, Alaska Dispatch, 27-Oct-2009 ... more

28 Oct 2009

Pipeline dream in peril
Ottawa has decided not to proceed with its investment in the $16.2-billion Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, sources said, throwing the future of Canada's largest construction proposal into doubt.
John Ivison and Carrie Tait, National Post, 27-Oct-2009 ... more

27 Oct 2009

America's dirty little secret
The United Nations Climate Change Treaty, signed in 1992, committed the world to “avoiding dangerous anthropogenic interference in the climate system.” Yet, since that time, greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar. The United States has proved to be the biggest laggard ...
Jeffrey Sachs, Globe and Mail, 22-Oct-2009 ... more

22 Oct 2009

On a cost basis, carbon-capture projects are madness
Prime Minister Stephen Harper makes so many spending announcements, flying like Mary Poppins on speed around the country to distribute billions of dollars, that the news media have given up analyzing any of them.
Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail, 19-Oct-2009 ... more

22 Oct 2009

Gas shale may be next bubble to burst
The promise of enough natural gas to last the United States more than 100 years based on discoveries of vast shale formations could be the country's next speculative bubble to burst, a speaker warned Monday at a conference exploring the notion that the world's oil and gas are diminishing rapidly.
Judith Kohler, Houston Chronicle, 12-Oct-2009 ... more

16 Oct 2009

Curbing Emissions by Sealing Gas Leaks
To the naked eye, there was nothing to be seen at a natural gas well in eastern Texas but beige pipes and tanks baking in the sun. But in the viewfinder of Terry Gosney’s infrared camera, three black plumes of gas gushed through leaks that were otherwise invisible.
Andrew C. Revkin & Clifford Kraus, New York Times, 14-Oct-2009 ... more

16 Oct 2009

Hot air fuels carbon-capture pact
Carbon dioxide might be an invisible gas, but the Alberta government is doing its best to use it as a political smokescreen.
Graham Thomson, Edmonton Journal, 08-Oct2009 ... more

13 Oct 2009

A new route beyond the Last Frontier
The melting polar ice cap is opening the forbidding waters at the top of the world to shipping -- and intensifying concerns about regulating maritime operations and protecting the fragile environment.
Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times, 11-Oct-2009 ... more

13 Oct 2009

Alberta announces 15-year $850M carbon capture and storage project
The Alberta and federal governments promised $865 million in funding for a carbon capture and storage project near Edmonton on Thursday, but officials acknowledge that it will be years before any greenhouse gas emissions are piped underground.
The Canadian Press, Red Deer Advocate, 09-Oct-2009 ... more

12 Oct 2009

Suncor sues Greenpeace
Environmental protesters say they will continue to target oilsands facilities in the face of lawsuits and criminal charges after Suncor Energy filed a $1.5-million lawsuit against the environmental group Greenpeace in the wake of a protest at its Fort McMurray mine earlier this month.
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 09-Oct-2009 ... more

12 Oct 2009

House bill requires two tugs for tankers
Federal legislation authorizing Coast Guard appropriations for 2010 has a provision expanding the requirement for dual tug escorts of oil tankers traveling through Alaska’s Prince William Sound.
Wesley Loy, Petroleum News, 11-Oct-2009 ... more

10 Oct 2009

Push for LNG pipeline from Oregon's Coos Bay
Coos Bay snakes from the Pacific into the hilly Oregon coast, its waters sheltered from the ocean by a long, sandy spit. Resident Jody McCaffree sees it as a place of sand dunes and shore birds, where the slumping local economy hasn't destroyed a high quality of life. But a group of energy companies, including PG&E Corp., sees Coos Bay as a potential source of fossil fuel.
David R. Baker, San Francisco Chronicle, 04-Oct-2009 ... more

05 Oct 2009

Greenpeace strikes again: Activists occupy Shell upgrader expansion site in Fort Saskatchewan
GP_tarsands_action3.jpgNineteen Greenpeace activists have struck again. This time they have scaled three stacks at Shell’s operation in Fort Saskatchewan
Greenpeace Canada, 03-Oct-2009 ... more

03 Oct 2009

Greenpeace takes action again, blocking Suncor tar sands operations International activists join Canadians in saying no to tar sands
GP_activist-conveyor.jpgGreenpeace activists are disrupting Suncor operations today in the heart of the tar sands north of Fort McMurray by stopping two bitumen conveyor belts to highlight the climate crime of tar sands operations.
Greenpeace Canada, 30-Sep-2009 ... more

30 Sep 2009

As Oil Enriches Australia, Spill Is Seen as a Warning
Visitors hoping to peek at Australia’s exotic marine life usually head straight for the Great Barrier Reef. But conservationists say that an equally remarkable, but lesser known, marine environment is under threat from the booming oil and gas exploration taking place among the reefs and atolls off Australia’s northwest coast.
Meraiah Foley, New York Times, 27-Sep-2009 ... more

28 Sep 2009

Past spills and ongoing risks of oil companies are omens
AVO-Mt.Redoubt-map-150.jpgWhen Exxon spilled millions of gallons of crude in Prince William Sound, it immediately hired an army of spin doctors to re-write history. Now, we're seeing the very same historical shape-shifting with the Drift River Oil Terminal incident.
Bob Shavelson, Anchorage Daily News, 24-Sep-2009 ... more

28 Sep 2009

Will the Electric Car Ever Make It to the Mass Market?
Germany's automakers are proudly showing off their concept electric cars at the Frankfurt motor show, which opens to the public Thursday. But the shiny new designs on display are just a pipe dream. It's still not clear when, or even if, viable electric cars will make it onto the mass market.
Christian Wüst, Der Spiegel, 16-Sep-2009 ... more

28 Sep 2009

Study shows high level of potentially toxic air pollution in DISH
A new study shows high level of potentially harmful air pollution in the town of DISH in Denton County. DISH sits next to several large compressor stations, which process natural gas from the Barnett Shale and pressurize it for shipment across the country. Residents have complained for years about the smell and the noise.
Mike Lee, Star-Telegram, 26-Sep-2009 ... more

27 Sep 2009

Canada and climate change: Nothing gets done, fingers get pointed
The “tragedy of the commons” occurs when something – a pasture, a lake, a fish stock, the atmosphere – becomes degraded by the actions of all. No single action causes the degradation, and no single action will reverse the negative trend. So nothing gets done, fingers get pointed and the “commons” degradation continues. Canada is one of the worst carbon emitters on the planet.
Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail, 25-Sep-2009 ... more

25 Sep 2009

Carbon capture plan 'sheer folly'
A major prong of Canada's climate change plan is so flawed that to pursue it now – with neither the proper science nor proper laws in place – would be “sheer folly,” concludes a new report.
Nathan VanderKlippe, Globe and Mail, 24-Sep-2009 ... more

24 Sep 2009

Oil sands: The muddied message
Alberta's former energy minister warned the oil sands industry to “wake up” and start fighting an aggressive public relations battle, telling producers they should be embarrassed that 25 protesters were able to sneak into and temporarily shut down a major mine last week.
Nathan VanderKlippe & Katherine O'Neill, Globe and Mail, 24-Sep-2009
Oil sands under attack on environment
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, 15-Sep-2009 ... more

24 Sep 2009

Quicksilver Resources stock jumps on news of Canadian well output
The stock of Fort Worth-based Quicksilver Resources soared to a yearly high Tuesday, buoyed by an announcement of strong results from a Horn River Basin natural gas well in British Columbia.
Jack Z. Smith, Star-Telegram, 22-Sep-2009 ... more

24 Sep 2009

Extended OCS comment period produces 350,000 comments, Salazar says
The US government received more than 350,000 public comments on possible Outer Continental Shelf resource development strategies during the 6-month comment period that expired Sept. 21, US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said on Sept. 22.
Nick Snow, Oil and Gas Journal, 22-Sep-2009 ... more

24 Sep 2009

Poop-to-power plant now online
It takes slightly more than three gallons of liquid cow manure to create one kilowatt-hour of electricity. A lot of poop. A small amount of electricity. A big environmental boost to a dairy farmer.
John Stang, Seattle Post Intelligencer, 21-Sep-2009 ... more

22 Sep 2009

Renewable power decisions create a tangled web
More big solar power plants in the Mojave Desert. Fewer solar panels on homes and businesses. More hydroelectric dams in British Columbia.
David R. Baker, San Francisco Chronicle, 21-Sep-2009 ... more

21 Sep 2009

New gas supplies 'could eat Arctic gas's lunch'
For decades, Alaskans have dreamed of another pipeline boom, hoping for a giant natural gas project to generate tens of billions of dollars in tax revenue and put thousands of people to work.
Rena Delbridge, Alaska Dispatch, 19-Sep-2009 ... more

21 Sep 2009

Greenpeace protest sparks questions about security of Alberta oilsands
While the oilsands industry tries to calm any frayed nerves after a splashy protest by Greenpeace at a Shell work site in northern Alberta, some analysts say the infiltration of such a huge operation should serve as a warning about the security of energy installations.
Lisa Arrowsmith, Canadian Business, 20-Sep-2009 ... more

20 Sep 2009

Alaska Gov Says Gas Pipeline Competitors Should Work Together
Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell said Thursday that he expects developers of two competing natural gas pipelines, from Alaska's North Slope to Canada and the contiguous U.S., to find a way to work together before he will consider agreements on production tax incentives for the projects.
Cassandra Sweet & Siobhan Hughes, Wall Street Journal, 18-Sep-2009 ... more

19 Sep 2009

Shell, Greenpeace negotiate calm end to protest
Shell officials and Greenpeace activists negotiated a peaceful end Wednesday to a demonstration that saw protesters chain themselves to heavy machinery at Shell's Muskeg River oilsands mine ahead of a Washington meeting between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U. S. President Barack Obama.
Richard Warnica, Edmonton Journal, 17-Sep-2009 ... more

17 Sep 2009

Nuclear power costly: Wall
Nuclear power may be too large and too costly for a province like Saskatchewan, which needs to keep its energy options open, Premier Brad Wall said Wednesday.
James Wood, The StarPhoenix, 17-Sep-2009 ... more

17 Sep 2009

No special treatment for tar sands
In 1988, when I addressed the U.S. Congress on the dangers of global warming, I warned leaders that it was time to stop waffling. Humans were changing the climate in new and dangerous ways and we needed to take action. At the time, I knew we could expect stiff resistance from the usual suspects, but if you had told me that 20 years later, one of the most stubborn holdouts would be a self-interested Canada, I wouldn't have believed you.
James Hansen, The Star, 16-Sep-2009 ... more

17 Sep 2009

Activists block tar sands mining operation to send message to Obama and Harper: Climate leaders don’t buy tar sands
GP_stop_tar_sands.jpgOn the eve of the Harper-Obama meeting in Washington D.C., Greenpeace activists are locking down and blockading a giant dump truck and shovel at Shell’s massive Albian Sands open-pit mine
Greenpeace, 15-Sep-2009 ... more

16 Sep 2009

Revealed: The ghost fleet of the recession
The biggest and most secretive gathering of ships in maritime history lies at anchor east of Singapore. Never before photographed, it is bigger than the U.S. and British navies combined but has no crew, no cargo and no destination - and is why your Christmas stocking may be on the light side this year The 'ghost fleet' near Singapore
Simon Parry, Daily Mail, 13-Sep-2009 ... more

15 Sep 2009

Cap and trade debate heats up
The debate surrounding Canada's position on capping greenhouse gas emissions is heating up ahead of a global warming summit in Copenhagen this year.
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 10-Sep-2009 ... more

10 Sep 2009 takes a collateral hit in Whatcom County council election mudslinging received an interesting letter today...
Arthur Caldicott,, 10-Sep-2009 ... more

10 Sep 2009

Natural Gas Hits a Roadblock in New Energy Bill
The natural gas industry has enjoyed something of a winning streak in recent years. It found gigantic new reserves, low prices are encouraging utilities to substitute gas for coal, and cities are switching to buses fueled by natural gas. But its luck has run out in Washington...
Clifford Krauss, New York Times, 09-Sep-2009 ... more

07 Sep 2009

Another Astroturf Campaign
It was probably only a matter of time, but the oil lobby has taken a page from the anti-health-care-reform manual in an effort to drum up opposition to climate change legislation in Congress. Behind the overall effort — billed, naturally, as a grass-roots citizen movement — lie the string-pullers at the American Petroleum Institute...
Editorial, New York Times, 04-Sep-2009 ... more

07 Sep 2009

Renewable-power fight at crossroads
A fierce and complicated fight has broken out in Sacramento over a simple idea with broad support - increasing California's use of renewable power. The fight isn't over the basic goal. Two bills pending in the Legislature ...
David R. Baker, San Francisco Chronicle, 04-Sep-2009 ... more

07 Sep 2009

Oil Sands: Destroyer or Savior?
Few energy resources stir passions like Canada’s oil sands.
Tom Zeller Jr., New York Times, 06-Sep-2009 ... more

07 Sep 2009

China Oil Deal Is New Source of Strife Among Iraqis
When China’s biggest oil company signed the first post-invasion oil field development contract in Iraq last year, the deal was seen as a test of Iraq’s willingness to open an industry that had previously prohibited foreign investment.
Timothy Williams, New York Times, -05-Sep-2009 ... more

06 Sep 2009

Quebec Innu wage battle to halt huge hydroelectric project
romaine.gifNearly 40 years after Cree and Inuit won an injunction to stop the massive James Bay hydro project, an Innu community is waging a similar battle against Hydro-Quebec, the province and the federal government to halt another major hydroelectric project on Quebec's Lower North Shore.
Marianne White, National Post, 04-Sep-2009 ... more

05 Sep 2009

Native & Green Groups Challenge State Dept. Permit for Dirty Oil Pipeline
Native American and environmental groups filed suit in federal court today challenging the Enbridge Alberta Clipper, a proposed tar sands oil pipeline that would bring the dirtiest oil on Earth from Canada to the United States.
Media Release, Earthjustice, 03-Sep-2009
Enbridge pipeline faces U.S. court challenge
Canwest News Service, 04-Sep-2009 ... more

04 Sep 2009

CO2 'white elephant'
Eric Beynon and Marlo Raynolds do not deal with the amount of CO2 that would have to be removed by “carbon capture and storage” (CCS) facilities. The quantities of CO2 to be removed are huge.
Fred Langford, National Post, 02-Sep-2009 ... more

03 Sep 2009

Yukon minister's resignation threatens to collapse government
Yukon Premier Dennis Fentie's government is at risk of collapse after the resignation of the territory's energy minister, who says the Premier "lied" to the public in denying that private talks took place regarding selling off the government's energy assets.
Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, 01-Sep-2009 ... more

01 Sep 2009

Alberta to U.S.: Use the oil sands or lose them
To lift a quip from Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Arctic sovereignty policy and apply it to the American view of Alberta’s oil sands: use it or lose it.
Don Martin, National Post, 31-Aug-2009 ... more

01 Sep 2009

China's bold move into the oil sands
PetroChina's $1.9-billion acquisition of stake in Athabasca Oil shows deep-pocketed investors still see value in Alberta resource
Nathan VanderKlippe, Globe and Mail, 31-Aug-2009Nathan VanderKlippe, Globe and Mail, 01-Sep-2009 ... more

01 Sep 2009

BRAZIL: New Law Would Put Oil Revenue into Development
On what he referred to as "a new independence day for Brazil," President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva announced Monday proposed new legislation that would increase state control over the management of the country's enormous offshore oil finds, with the aim of channeling much of the state's oil revenue into a national social fund.
Fabiana Frayssinet, IPS, 31-Aug-2009 ... more

01 Sep 2009

Please Mrs. Nixon
Michael Broom, Rainforest Action Network, August 2009 ... more

31 Aug 2009

Time for Natural-Gas Autos?
The plan is to offer tax credits worth up to $12,500 on the purchase of new cars and trucks. The catch is that your new vehicle must run on natural gas -- compressed natural gas, or CNG, to be precise. A Senate bill, the counterpart to the House's NAT GAS Act, also would offer up to $64,000 in tax credits on fleet vehicles, and up to $100,000 to anyone opening a CNG filling station.
Mike Hogan, Barron's Online, 29-Aug-2009 ... more

31 Aug 2009

Tesoro moves oil to Pacific on reversed Panama line
Tesoro has shipped its first barrels of crude oil from the Atlantic to the Pacific Basin on a reversed Panama pipeline, the company said Thursday.Reuters News, 27-Aug-2009 ... more
30 Aug 2009

Carbon disaster vs Hell Yes CCS
You may soon be asked to save the planet from global warming by hosting an underground carbon dioxide storage facility. You and your neighbours will be told not to worry about carbon dioxide poisoning your water supplies.
Lawrence Solomon, National Post, 15-Aug-2009
Hell yes, back CCS
Eric Beynon & Marlo Raynolds, National Post, 29-Aug-2009 ... more

29 Aug 2009

Coal is still king
We can’t continue to use the atmosphere as a dump for carbon dioxide emissions, say governments concerned about global warming. Rather than storing this colourless, odourless, tasteless gas way up there, they reason, let’s store the carbon dioxide way down here, buried under ground or in the oceans. And since burial solves the carbon dioxide problem, they then conclude, we can with a clear conscience crank up our use of coal.
Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post, 29-Aug-2009 ... more

29 Aug 2009

Awash in natural gas, prices hit new 7-year lows
Natural gas prices slumped to their lowest level in seven years Thursday after the government reported that salt caverns, aquifers and other underground areas where it is stored are filling up.
Chris Kahn, Washington Post, 27-Aug-2009 ... more

29 Aug 2009

Weak dollar pushes energy prices higher
The effect of the weak dollar is again pushing oil prices higher in the face of little demand for energy and huge surpluses of crude.
The Associated Press, 28-Aug-2009 ... more

29 Aug 2009

Oil, Ecuador and its people (Part 1)
Today, a swath of the Ecuadorean Amazon remains contaminated beyond imagining. Neither side disputes the devastation, only who should pay for it. Chevron says it is the state oil company's responsibility.
Editorial, Los Angeles Times, 28-Aug-2009 ... more

29 Aug 2009

First Nations take oilsands concerns to U. K.
Three First Nations people from northern Alberta are in London, protesting the involvement of United Kingdom companies in oilsands development.
Hanneke Brooymans, Edmonton Journal, 28-Aug-2009 ... more

28 Aug 2009

Natural Gas Markets Headed for A Crash?
Natural gas prices have retreated in recent days as the prospect of full storage suggests the industry will be forced to curtail production unless demand picks up. Domestic gas producers are facing the eventuality of all having to curtail their production. When that happens, we should expect a meaningful drop in natural gas prices.
G. Allen Brooks, Rigzone, 18-Aug-2009 ... more

27 Aug 2009

Is It Possible to Have Sub $4/Mcf Gas for Five Years?
Jim Simpson of BENTEK Energy, LLC presented his case for sub $4 Mcf natural gas prices through 2010. He dismissed the likelihood this distressed price scenario would last for 10 years as low gas prices did throughout the 1990s, but he did say it was possible the low price could last five years. Berntzen suggested $3 gas following a question about the impact of Exxon's Horn River gas discoveries in Canada on the U.S. market. No one in the audience ventured another - possibly out of fear they would be bidding down future gas prices.
by G. Allen Brooks, Rigzone, 04-Aug-2009 ... more

27 Aug 2009

Critics say work on power lines premature
A move by the Alberta government to authorize two companies to start work on controversial state-of-the-art north-south transmission lines in advance of approval by the Alberta Utilities Commission has sparked outrage from consumers.
Darcy Henton, Edmonton Journal, 26-Aug-2009 ... more

26 Aug 2009

‘Peak Oil’ Is a Waste of Energy
REMEMBER “peak oil”? It’s the theory that geological scarcity will at some point make it impossible for global petroleum production to avoid falling, heralding the end of the oil age and, potentially, economic catastrophe. Well, just when we thought that the collapse in oil prices since last summer had put an end to such talk .... A careful examination of the facts shows that most arguments about peak oil are based on anecdotal information, vague references and ignorance of how the oil industry goes about finding fields and extracting petroleum.
Michael Lynch, New York Times, 24-Aug-2009 ... more

26 Aug 2009

Time to unleash seabed methane?
Methane hydrates have a huge potential as an energy source. But hydrates are also making headlines this week as a worrying harbinger of climate change.
Anna Barnett, Climate Feedback, 21-Aug-2009 ... more

25 Aug 2009

Natural-gas producers hoping for cold winter
With vast underground natural-gas storage cells almost full across North America months earlier than normal, producers hope for an early, cold winter to eat up some of the surplus. And perhaps even a hurricane or two to hit the Gulf of Mexico and take some gas production off-line.
Dave Cooper, The Province, 23-Aug-2009 ... more

23 Aug 2009

New meter to crank up power bills
Households face an average $263-a-year leap in electricity bills with the installation of new smart meters that begins in 10 days' time.
Leon Gettler, The Age, Australia, 23-Aug-2009 ... more

22 Aug 2009

Oil spill threatens ocean as driller faces multimillion bill
THE operator of an oil rig responsible for a massive oil leak off the West Australian coast will be forced to pay millions of dollars to clean up the spill, which authorities warn poses a serious threat to the environment.
Josh Gordon, The Age, 23-Aug-2009 ... more

22 Aug 2009

(US) Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued
The US State Department issued a Presidential Permit to Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership for the Alberta Clipper pipeline. It found that "the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States."
U.S. approves Alberta Clipper pipeline project
Reuters, Globe and Mail, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2009
Alberta Clipper pipeline approved for U.S. midwest
Lisa Schmidt, Calgary Herald, 21-Aug-2009 ... more

21 Aug 2009

Is the Mackenzie Pipeline dead?
Here’s a thorny question to pose as Prime Minister Stephen Harper moves about the Canadian North this week promoting Arctic sovereignty and use-it-or-lose it development: is the Mackenzie Valley natural gas pipeline dead?
Peter Foster, National Post, 18-Aug-2009 ... more

19 Aug 2009

Oil Industry Backs Protests of Emissions Bill
Hard on the heels of the health care protests, another citizen movement seems to have sprung up, this one to oppose Washington’s attempts to tackle climate change. But behind the scenes, an industry with much at stake — Big Oil — is pulling the strings.
Clifford Kraus, Jad Mouawad, New York Times, 18-Aug-2009 ... more

19 Aug 2009

States weigh benefits, risks of drilling in parks
State parks aren't just for hiking, camping and other recreation anymore. Increasingly, these lands are being used for oil and gas drilling as budget-strapped states seek new sources of revenue.
Julie Carr Smyth, Google News, 17-Aug-2009 ... more

18 Aug 2009

Oil lobby to fund campaign against Obama's climate change strategy
The US oil and gas lobby are planning to stage public events to give the appearance of a groundswell of public opinion against legislation that is key to Barack Obama's climate change strategy, according to campaigners.
Suzanne Goldenberg,, 14-Aug-2009 ... more

17 Aug 2009

Support lawmakers for escort tug efforts
We Alaskans have always fared best when our state leaders have put politics aside and pulled together for the common good. The latest example of this spirit is the effort to preserve the system of escort tugs that help protect Prince William Sound from oil spills.
Stephen K. Lewis, Anchorage Daily News, 14-Aug-2009 ... more

16 Aug 2009

Alberta frets over U.S. climate change tariff bill
The Alberta government is worried about a provision in a U.S. climate change bill that would grant the president the power to slap tariffs on imports that have a carbon footprint larger than American-made goods.
Renata D'Aliesio, Calgary Herald, 13-Aug-2009 ... more

14 Aug 2009

NEB Reports Highest Pipeline Worker Injury Rate Since 2000
The NEB reports that nearly two out of every 100 pipeline workers suffered a serious workplace injury in 2007, almost double the seven-year average. It is the highest worker injury rate since the NEB began reporting on safety performance indicators in 2000.
News Release & Reports, NEB, 11-Aug-2009 ... more

13 Aug 2009

Revival or dam-nation?
Thanks partly to Boeing's new jet factory, Snohomish County, Wash., is one of the fastest-growing counties in the country. The north Seattle county's energy demand is expected to increase 25 percent over the next decade, and its local utility is scrambling for new sources of power.
Joshua Zaffos, High Country News, 27-Jul-2009 ... more

12 Aug 2009

Oil sands test of Obama’s green credentials
The Obama administration faces a test of its environmental credentials in deciding whether to approve a pipeline carrying greenhouse gas-intensive oil sands fuel from Canada into the US.
Sheila McNulty, Financial Times, 10-Aug-2009 ... more

12 Aug 2009

Canada's oil patch open for Chinese business: Flaherty
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty rolled out the welcome mat for Chinese investment in the Canadian energy sector Monday, saying this country's foreign-investment rules pose little hindrance to the growth of a Chinese presence.
Jorge Barrera, Financial Post, 10-Aug-2009 ... more

11 Aug 2009

NATURAL GAS: Market glut could push prices lower
U.S. natural gas producers continue to increase production volumes past market demand, leading many to predict a price plunge that could put some small firms out of business.
Greenwire, 07-Aug-2009 ... more

07 Aug 2009

Is it time to press reset on nuclear?
In a throwback to its tumultuous past, nuclear power is teetering on the brink of renaissance or relapse, waffling between a return to its golden age and a slow demise.
Kathryn Blaze Carlson, National Post, 31-Jul-2009 ... more

01 Aug 2009

A flurry of upbeat news from Enbridge
A trio of news items:
Enbridge on Track for 20% Plus Growth in 2009, 10% Plus Through 2013
Enbridge Inc., Rigzone, 29-Jul-2009
Enbridge Proposes $500MM Walker Ridge Gathering System for GOM
Enbridge Inc., Rigzone, 29-Jul-2009
Enbridge to Start Multibillion-Dollar Pipeline Project in August
Brad Swenson, Bemidji Pioneer, 27-Jul-2009
... more

29 Jul 2009

Hydropower boom may not be a bust for salmon
"What we have been able to do is provide more power with the same amount of water," said Tracy Yount, the Chelan County utility district's external affairs director. "We're saying, let's skip the new facilities, skip the regulatory issues associated with new dams and go to our existing facilities and get more value from them."
Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times, 27-Jul-2009
Boom in hydropower pits fish against climate
Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times, 27-Jul-2009 ... more

27 Jul 2009

Desertec: an energy, CO2, water and food solution
The DESERTEC Concept. "It simultaneously tackles efficiently all the global challenges of the upcoming decades: shortage of energy, water and food as well as excessive emissions of CO2." Hmm, intriguing. ... more
27 Jul 2009

U.S. clean energy stimulus both a boon and a threat to B.C. companies
The Obama administration's $70-billion commitment to renewable energy is creating eye-popping opportunities in the U.S. that threaten B.C. clean-energy companies as much as it opens doors.
Gordon Hamilton, The Vancouver Sun, 25-Jul-2009 ... more

27 Jul 2009

Teck resurrects plans to expand coal output
Teck Resources Ltd. is dusting off plans to expand its coal operations and meet a sudden increase in demand, marking yet another milestone in the dramatic resurrection of Canada's largest base metals miner.
Andy Hoffman, Globe and Mail, 24-Jul-2009 ... more

25 Jul 2009

Plans shelved for new Saint John refinery
Irving Oil Ltd. and partner BP PLC have shelved plans for an $8-billion refinery in Saint John, based on a stunning 30-year forecast that North American gasoline consumption has peaked for the foreseeable future.
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, 25-Jul-2009 ... more

25 Jul 2009

California Legislature plan falls short of closing entire deficit
The Legislature passed a plan today that fell short of closing the state's gaping $26.3 billion deficit in part because lawmakers did not approve two controversial bills - one for new oil drilling off the Santa Barbara coast and the other a plan to take gas-tax funds away from counties.
Matthew Yi, Carla Marinucci, Richard Procter, San Francisco Chronicle, 24-Jul-2009
California Coast Spared by Vote of Assembly
David M. Greenwald, California Progress Report, 24-Jul-2009
53 Environmental Groups Oppose Use of Budget Process To Approve New Offshore Oil Drilling Project
California Progress Report, 24-Jul-2009 ... more

24 Jul 2009

Climate and CCS debate: Coal can’t have it both ways
Coal lobbyists argue that “clean coal” is here, but then also demand that climate legislation be further watered down, to give them more time to perfect and deploy carbon capture and storage technology.
Ken Ward Jr., Charleston Gazette, 23-Jul-2009 ... more

23 Jul 2009

Realistic Costs of Carbon Capture
There is a growing interest in carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a means of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However there are substantial uncertainties about the costs of CCS ... which are examined in this discussion paper. Costs of abatement are found typically to be approximately $150/tCO2 avoided.
Mohammed Al-Juaied & Adam Whitmore, Harvard University, June 2009
Carbon capture for coal costly, study finds
Ken Ward Jr., Charleston Gazette, 21-Jul-2009
Clean Coal: Competitive Someday, Just Not Today
Keith Johnson, Wall Street Journal, 20-Jul-2009 ... more

23 Jul 2009

Dig the coal, bury the carbon
Corn used for ethanol may be renewable, but coal is still king of energy crops in the boot tip of the Hoosier State. Yet if coal is to keep its crown, the phrase “clean coal” will need to be more than a slogan.
Mark Clayton, Christian Science Monitor, 21-Jul-2009 ... more

22 Jul 2009

At what price 'white man's money'?
Long excluded from the development of Canada's natural resources, many native leaders now insist their people must take part, and warn that failure to include them could derail projects. The five candidates in next week's vote to choose a successor to Phil Fontaine as Grand Chief of the Assembly of First Nations have all promised to pursue resource development as a way of alleviating the appalling poverty and social conditions on reserves.
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, 21-Jul-2009 ... more

21 Jul 2009

TransAlta offers $654 million in cash to acquire Canadian Hydro Developers
After a failed attempt at a friendly deal with renewable power producer Canadian Hydro Developers, TransAlta Corp. says it is taking its $654 million all-cash hostile takeover offer directly to the target company´s shareholders.
Canadian Press, Oilweek, 20-Jul-2009
TransAlta signals green intentions with Canadian Hydro bid
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Tuesday, 21-Jul-2009 ... more

20 Jul 2009

Operators See No Immediate Need For Pipelines To Kitimat
Opening up Asian markets for growing oilsands production is a top strategic goal for producers, although pipelines that could further support this, such as like proposals to Kitimat, British Columbia, are still a ways off, major pipeline operators said Wednesday.
Richard Macedo, Oil Sands Review, 09-Jul-2009 ... more

20 Jul 2009

Chinese buying spree bypasses Canada
If anyone doubts China's growing need for energy and its continued quest to shore up supply, having a look at the activity of its national energy companies on the international stage will put those thoughts aside. What's curious, however, is that none of those deals has taken place in Canada.
Deborah Yedlin, Calgary Herald, 15-Jul-2009 ... more

20 Jul 2009

Oil sands catches break from recession
The current slowdown could prove a boon for Canadian oil sands producers, driving down construction and operating costs and giving time for the development of infrastructure needed for the industry's growth.
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, 17-Jul2009 ... more

18 Jul 2009

US: offshore drilling in the news
We're seeing offshore drilling debates on all of America's coasts - Alaska, California, the Gulf of Mexico, North Carolina. This sampler of news items looks as some of the action, and includes an early pick for the candidates to succeed Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. ... more
17 Jul 2009

Five 'threat groups' identified for Alberta, B.C. oil industry
Violent acts or blockades against northern Alberta's oil and gas industry will likely continue in the years ahead, but the disruptions are unlikely to be organized or widespread unless disparate groups come together.
Kelly Cryderman, Calgary Herald, 14-Jul-2009
Resource Industries and Security Issues in Northern Alberta
Tom Flanagan, Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute, Jun-2009 ... more

14 Jul 2009

Thawing Arctic relations
There are new signs of Russia's openness in the Arctic. At a news conference in Canada June 30, Russia called for cooperation with Canada in managing the Arctic. Three weeks ago, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin set aside some 3.5 million acres in the Russian Arctic as a national park.
Leah Zimmerman, San Francisco Chronicle, 10-Jul-2009 ... more

11 Jul 2009

Barge hauling 1 million gallons of gas runs aground in Columbia Gorge
Hood River awoke today, as it did Thursday, to an unwelcome guest at its front door: a barge laden with 1 million gallons of gasoline run aground in the Columbia River.
Matthew Preusch, The Oregonian, 09-July-2009 ... more

11 Jul 2009

Who's doing the math here?
An announcement at the end of June provided an especially glaring indication that it would seem as though the Conservative caucus had lost all of its calculators, and that its collective mental capacity was not up to the mathematical challenge of understanding that two minus three equals negative one.Ricardo Acuña, Vue Weekly, 02-Jul-2009 ... more
10 Jul 2009

New US Natural Gas Pipeline Displacing Canadian Gas
A new natural gas pipeline in the United States is allowing cheap gas from the Rockies to displace more than 10% of Canada’s gas exports to the Midwest US, forcing more Canadian gas into storage and lowering natural gas prices for Canadian producers.
Keith Schaefer, Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin, 07-Jul-2009 ... more

07 Jul 2009

Swimming in natural gas
The suggestion that natural gas is worthless may be extreme, but it is an indication of the challenge the industry faces. Market experts continue to expect weak prices for natural gas as a surge in unconventional gas discoveries, such as shale plays, pour on to an already-flooded market. Add in unpredictable weather and a slower-than-forecast economic recovery, and the outlook doesn't get much brighter.
Jonathan Ratner, Financial Post, 04-Jul-2009 ... more

07 Jul 2009

The Graph: A Picture of the Present and Future
NSgraph150.gifThe multi-coloured graph sprawls across two facing pages of the New Scientist. All the lines begin to rise steeply after 1950, and by 2000 they have converged in a nearly vertical ascent. Taken together, they are a picture of the present and a prospect for the future, a future that seems to hint at some uncertain but inevitable climax.
Ray Grigg, Shades of Green, 05-Jul-2009
How our economy is killing the Earth
Special Report, New Scientist, 16-Oct-2008
The facts of overconsumption
Special Report, New Scientist, 15-Oct-2008 ... more

05 Jul 2009

Grit leader flatters Alberta, criticizes Tories
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff touted Saturday the economic virtues and national reach of Alberta's oilsands, urging Canadians to take pride in the mammoth industrial development, which has touched off international environmental opposition.
Renata D'Aliesio, Calgary Herald, 05-Jul-2009 ... more

05 Jul 2009

On Canada, trade and climate change
A digest and commentary on Canada, trade and climate change, particularly in the context of US "Buy American" initiatives.
Brent Patterson, Council of Canadians, 02-Jun-2009 ... more

02 Jul 2009

Preparing for Oil Spills in the Future Arctic
Within the next two decades, scientists estimate that the Arctic Ocean will be free of multi-year ice in the summer. The thawing of Arctic Ocean ice during summer months will lead to increased maritime transportation and tourism. It will also lead to increased oil and gas exploration.
National Ocean Service, 29-May-2009 ... more

02 Jul 2009

Opponents try late rally against Enbridge pipeline
Opponents of the Enbridge Alberta Clipper pipeline rallied today in Duluth to announce they are trying legal and political efforts to stop the oil pipeline.
John Myers, Duluth News Tribune, 30-Jun-2009 ... more

02 Jul 2009

Alaskan oversees gas line coordination for Obama administration
Beyond its $30 billion cost, there are thousands of steps on the path to the proposed pipeline that will take North Slope natural gas 1,700 miles through Alaska and Canada. One small federal agency, the Office of the Federal Coordinator, is overseeing the effort. The office is headed by Drue Pearce, an Alaskan who is based in Washington.
Erika Bolstad, Anchorage Daily News, 28-Jun-2009 ... more

30 Jun 2009

The Environmental Risks of Arctic Shipping
As the Arctic warms, an expected increase in shipping threatens to introduce invasive species, harm existing marine wildlife and lead to damaging oil spills, according to a recent report from the Arctic Council, an intergovernmental forum of Arctic nations.
Stefan Milkowski, New York Times, 29-Jun-2009 ... more

30 Jun 2009

Supreme Court rules against Chevron
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Chevron Corp., the second-largest U.S. energy company, in a fight with the Ecuadorean government over potentially tens of billions of dollars in liability for environmental damage.
Greg Stohr, Bloomberg News, 29-Jun-2009 ... more

30 Jun 2009

Oil sands to take hit from U.S. bill
Alberta's oil sands producers and their U.S. refiners face sharply higher costs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under legislation approved by the U.S. House of Representatives and championed by U.S. President Barack Obama.
Shawn McCarthy & Nathan VanderKlippe, Globe and Mail, 30-Jun-2009 ... more

30 Jun 2009

House Passes Historic Waxman-Markey Clean Energy Bill
The US House of Representatives has passed the landmark American Clean Energy and Security Act, also referred to as the Waxman-Markey Bill.
News Release, House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, 26-Jun-2009 ... more

29 Jun 2009

DuPont’s new game
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a global warming bill that represents the largest transfer of wealth from U.S. consumers to corporate interests in history. The mammoth bill’s cap-and-trade system not only gives DuPont and other major emitters a windfall in free emission allowances, but also boosts a host of the technologies that DuPont specializes in. As a cherry on top, DuPont will not only receive subsidies for upgrades and other investments it would have made regardless.
Lawrence Solomon, National Post, 27-Jun-2009 ... more

29 Jun 2009

A public tarring in Saudi Canada
Earlier this month, Dr. John O'Connor, a dedicated family physician, and I got badly tarred by another one of Ottawa's disturbing political gangs.
Andrew Nikiforuk, Toronto Star, 28-Jun-2009 ... more

29 Jun 2009

Energy firms get $3B boost
Oil and gas industry players welcomed up to $3 billion in Alberta royalty credits under an extended drilling incentive program unveiled Thursday, but continued to demand long-term answers to the province’s fiscal competitiveness woes.
Dan Healing, Calgary Herald, 26-Jun-2009 ... more

29 Jun 2009

Fraser Institute: Global Petroleum Survey 2009
Manitoba has dethroned both Saskatchewan and Alberta as the most attractive Canadian province or territory for oil and gas investment, according to an international survey of petroleum executives and managers released today by independent research organization the Fraser Institute
Gerry Angevine, Fraser Institute, 24-Jun-2009
Global Petroleum Industry Views Arkansas as Best Place in the World for Investment
Fraser Institute,, 24-Jun-2009
Survey ranks Alberta last for energy investment
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 25-Jun-2009
Report critical of Alaska's relationship with oil industry
Rena Delbridge, Fairbanks News Miner, 28-Jun-2009 ... more

29 Jun 2009

Exxon's Weapon of Gas Destruction
ExxonMobil has a loaded gun pointed at the U.S. natural-gas market -- and it isn't the only one. The ammunition is liquefied natural gas.
Liam Denning, Wall Street Journal, 25-Jun-2009 ... more

26 Jun 2009

Report: US natural gas reserves surge 35 percent
The country's natural gas reserves are much bigger than previously thought, according to a report released Thursday.
Mark Williams,, 18-Jun-2009 ... more

19 Jun 2009

Short-term pain, long-term gain from TransCanada's Keystone purchase: analyst
TransCanada Corp. will suffer some "short-term pain" after buying the rest of the Keystone crude pipeline from ConocoPhillips', but the purchase will be a beneficial in the long-term, an analyst said Wednesday.
Lauren Krugel, The Canadian Press, 17-Jun-2009 ... more

17 Jun 2009

WGA Day 2 - Clean up Alberta oilsands: U.S. officials
Two of U.S. President Barack Obama's top advisers on energy and climate change said Monday the Alberta oilsands are a key part of the U.S. energy mix. But they warned its development must be cleaned up, because there's "a lot of concern" south of the border about their environmental footprint.
Jason Fekete, Vancouver Sun, 16-Jun-2009
Officials vow support for renewable energy in West
Cabinet leaders in the Obama administration promised Monday to help Western states develop a robust system for delivering renewable energy.
Mike Stark, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 15-Jun-2009 ... more

16 Jun 2009

WGA Day 1 - Canada-U.S. energy corridor idea promoted
Western premiers and U.S. governors hailed their push yesterday to develop a cross-border "Western Energy Corridor" that will be the largest on the planet and one that develops both non-renewable and clean-energy options.
Jason Fekete, Canwest News Service, 15-Jun-2009 ... more

15 Jun 2009

BPs Statistical Review of World Energy2009
WorldEnergyConsumption_t.gifA vast compendium of energy data, accessible and well-presented. Not cheering info, however. If we're a global Exxon Valdez, the first chart suggests we're still picking up speed.
Carbon-dioxide emissions jump as countries burn coal
World carbon-dioxide emissions from energy use rose 1.8 percent last year as China, India and Russia burned more coal, the most polluting fuel for generating power.
Vancouver Sun, 15-Jun-2009 ... more

15 Jun 2009

Fracking Is: 1) A Process; 2) An Expletive. Choose One
In fracking, otherwise known as hydro-fracturing, drillers sink several horizontal wells from a single wellhead; then, under pressure, they pump in millions of gallons of water laced with chemicals and sand. The pressure cracks the shale deposits and releases much more gas.
Andrew Reinbach, Huffington Post, 08-Jun-2009
Just a ‘FRAC’ away
Peter McKenzie-Brown, Alberta Oil Magazine, 01-Apr-2009 ... more

10 Jun 2009

The answer's blowing in the wind, but not all of us want to hear it
To see wind turbines fully assembled and running is a jaw-dropping experience the first time. To see them every day, however, is causing some people's teeth to grind.
Roy MacGregor, Globe And Mail, 08-Jun-2009 ... more

09 Jun 2009

Bellingham Pipeline Tragedy: 10 years on
The Bellingham Herald and the Pipeline Safety Trust have each created memorials to the three lads who died in the June 10, 1999 pipeline explosion in a park in Bellingham. The legacy of those tragedies lives on in the Trust, and is echoed in BC.
Pipeline victim Stephen Tsiorvas remembered as curious, thoughtful
Every once in a while, Stephen Tsiorvas' family would find toys the 10-year-old boy left behind.
Kie Relyea, The Bellingham Herald, 08-Jun-2009 ... more

08 Jun 2009

Northwest's biofuel boom goes bust
Encouraged by tax breaks and Oregon and Washington standards designed to require biofuels' use, one biodiesel and two ethanol plants have been built in the Northwest. They promised environmental benefits on an industrial scale, and nearly 30 more projects were under discussion. Then came this year. In January, Cascade Grain filed for bankruptcy six months after it opened ... and Imperium has idled its Grays Harbor plant indefinitely.
Scott Learn, The Oregonian, 05-Jun-2009 ... more

08 Jun 2009

Decision to allow sour-oil drilling in Tomahawk area 'a joke': resident
The Energy Resources Conservation Board says higher than expected levels of deadly hydrogen sulphide in new wells (as high as 21%!) don't pose a greater risk to public safety.
Darcy Henton, The Edmonton Journal, 04-Jun-2009 ... more

04 Jun 2009

Energy supply crunch brewing
BrentLightSweetCrude.gif Forget low oil prices. The worry of the moment is a spike in oil prices and how long it will take before a supply crunch sends prices soaring.
Deborah Yedlin, Calgary Herald, 28-May-2009 ... more

30 May 2009

Natural gas in Arctic mostly Russian
ArcticGas_t.gifNearly one-third of the natural gas yet to be discovered in the world is north of the Arctic Circle and most of it is in Russian territory.
Staff report, Anchorage Daily News, 28-May-2009 ... more

30 May 2009

Recession benefit: Alberta can pause and rethink the oil sands
Alberta has an extraordinary opportunity, one it did not wish or seek, but one that could revolutionize the province's future. The opportunity, paradoxically, is being provided because the recession has slowed down, or halted, oil-sands projects, previously the fastest-growing source of greenhouse-gas emissions in Canada.
Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail, 27-May-2009 ... more

27 May 2009

Fearing water pollution, NWT towns call for oil sands slowdown
With growing evidence that pollutants are causing fish deformities in the Athabasca River and one native village struggling to understand its elevated cancer rates, 33 communities in the Northwest Territories have called for a moratorium on oil sands developments because of fears about water quality.
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 26-May-2009 ... more

27 May 2009

China's environmental hot air and hypocrisy
China's call last week for developed nations to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent could have been a sign that the soon-to-be superpower is taking environmental issues seriously, but closer inspection reveals naked self-interest is still dominating its calculations.
Editorial, Calgary Herald, 24-May-2009 ... more

27 May 2009

The Waxman - Markey Bill - Will the US and Canada go Head to Head?
A U.S. House of Representatives committee passed the draft American Clean Energy and Security Act on May 21st (the Waxman - Markey Bill) sparking a flood of commentary and speculation on its potential impacts at home and abroad. Of particular interest to many was the potential impact on Canada.
GLOBE-Net, 26-May-2009 ... more

27 May 2009

Imperial gives Kearl project green light
Imperial Oil Ltd.'s approval of a major new $8-billion project is sparking optimism for a revival in the oil sands after months of project delays due to low crude prices and high costs.
Nathan VanderKlippe, Globe and Mail, 26-May-2009 ... more

26 May 2009

Gas explosion details kept under wraps
Apache Energy has had a legal win to restrict the release of information about the Varanus Island gas explosion. The explosion off the Karratha coast happened almost a year ago and cut Western Australia's gas supplies by a third.
ABC News, 23-May-2009 ... more

23 May 2009

All eyes on renewables as Sen. Bingaman sprints to finish markup
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will attempt to finish marking up comprehensive energy legislation this week, including a renewable electricity standard, if Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) and panel members can work out an agreement by Thursday.
Katherine Ling, New York Times, 18-May-2009 ... more

19 May 2009

Blue gold? Not likely
This is a big week for Canada's made-in-Washington energy and climate policy. The U.S. Senate is likely to finalize comprehensive energy legislation that will have a significant impact on our economy and environment.
Robert Silver, Globe and Mail, 19-May-2009 ... more

19 May 2009

Ecotrust Canada, First Nations launch green energy fund
Ecotrust Canada and two aboriginal capital corporations have partnered to help First Nations take ownership of power projects on their traditional territories.
Colleen Kimmett, The, 10-May-2009
News Release, Ecotrust Canada, 15-May-2009Funding powers aboriginals
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 20-May-2009 ... more

15 May 2009

Green oil would cost US$105 a barrel: CERI
Canada's oil sands can meet the challenge of turning "dirty oil" into "green bitumen," but oil prices would have to climb as high as US$105 a barrel to pay for the cost of integrating new technologies
Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post, 12-May-2009 ... more

12 May 2009

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill - 20 Years After: The Analysis
Twenty years ago, the Exxon Valdez struck a reef in Prince William Sound and ran aground, releasing at least 10 million gallons of crude oil into the surrounding sea. It remains the worst oil spill in US maritime history. A study in 2005 showed that the remaining oil was decaying at a maximum of just 4% annually (with some samples showing zero decay). The prognosis: oil residue will persist for up to a century.
ecomichael,, 01-May-2009 ... more

02 May 2009

Oil punt makes big bucks but coastlines at risk
Big international oil companies are making hundreds of millions of dollars storing crude on tankers offshore in a trading play that environmentalists say sidesteps shipping rules and puts coastlines at risk.
Tom Bergin, Guardian, 01-May-2009
Floating oil lake likely to curb future oil prices
Christopher Johnson & Joshua Schneyer, Reuters, 30-Apr-2009 ... more

02 May 2009

Natural gas clean and green
The emergence of immense new supplies of clean-burning natural gas from shale deposits in North America is shaking up the energy industry.
Claudia Cattaneo, National Post, 27-Apr-2009 ... more

28 Apr 2009

Alaska's drilling debate moves offshore
A federal appeals court this month put the brakes on a plan to lease more than 78 million acres of the Beaufort, Chukchi and Bering seas to oil and gas developers, ordering a full environmental review before the program can proceed. But that could be little more than a speed bump in the rush to commercialize the Arctic, which global warming -- and the resulting shrinking sea ice -- has made accessible as never before.
Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times, 26-Apr-2009 ... more

26 Apr 2009

Can science save the oil sands?
If Selma Guigard is right, an elusive key to reducing the oil sands' emissions could lie in the science of the super-critical molecule.
Nathan Vanderklippe, Globe and Mail, 24-Apr-2009 ... more

25 Apr 2009

California rule could hit oil sands producers
Canadian oil companies face an effective U.S. tax on their greenhouse gas emissions if climate change regulations adopted by California this week are copied by other American jurisdictions.
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, 25-Apr-2009
New California fuel rule may violate NAFTA -lawyer
Scott Haggett, Reuters, 24-Apr-2009 ... more

25 Apr 2009

Miliband's coal decision is cynical and meaningless
It's simple: there should be no new coal burning without 100% carbon capture and storage (CCS) to bury carbon dioxide emissions underground where they cannot influence the climate.
George Monbiot, The Guardian, 23-Apr-2009 ... more

24 Apr 2009

Clean coal push marks reversal of UK energy policy
No new coal-fired power stations will be built in Britain from now on unless they capture and bury at least 25% of greenhouse gases immediately and 100% by 2025, the climate change secretary, Ed Miliband, announced today.
John Vidal,, 23-Apr-2009 ... more

24 Apr 2009

Alaska crude headed for U.S. Gulf Coast - Exxon
The last single-hull supertanker carrying Alaska North Slope crude oil is headed for the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port, an unusual destination for crude from Alaska.
Bruce Nichols, Reuters, 22-Apr-2009 ... more

24 Apr 2009

Oil sands brace for American green fuel regulation
Federal and Alberta officials will make a last-ditch effort in California on Thursday to head off a regulation that would target oil sands emission levels and create a new barrier to the export of the unconventional oil.
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, 22-Apr-2009 ... more

23 Apr 2009

Safety lapses at record level
High commodity prices sparked fevered activity in Canada's oilpatch in 2008, sometimes with tragic results, said Canada's federal energy regulator.
Dina O'Meara, Calgary Herald, 21-Apr-2009 ... more

23 Apr 2009

GE: Energy Business the Savior, But Even That’s Got Headwinds
General Electric’s first-quarter earnings were as dire as expected, with a 9% drop in sales and a 35% fall in profit. Once again, the single bright spot was the energy business—but even there, good news was mixed with bad.
Keith Johnson, Wall Street Journal, 17-Apr-2009 ... more

20 Apr 2009

Pipe Down: Alaska May Get a Gas Pipeline, Just Not the Big One
Juneau is buzzing about a last-minute addition to the state’s capital budget giving Gov. Palin funds to push ahead on a small pipeline to bring gas from the North Slope down to Fairbanks and Anchorage, where most Alaskans live.
Russell Gold, Wall Street Journal, 17-Apr-2009 ... more

20 Apr 2009

Californians voice concerns to Obama administration over offshore drilling
For all his green talk en route to the White House, President Barack Obama remains a cipher on one of the most critical environmental and economic issues facing California: whether to expand drilling for oil and gas off the coast for the first time in a generation.
Maria L. La Ganga, Los Angeles Times, 17-Apr-2009 ... more

18 Apr 2009

TransCanada, Shell's plan for LNG rejected
Plans by Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. and Shell to build a floating liquefied natural gas( LNG)terminal in the water off New York City were dealt a potentially fatal blow Monday after the United States'Commerce Department rejected the project.
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 14-Apr-2009 ... more

14 Apr 2009

CN plans 'pipeline on rail' to tar sands
CN could gear up its capacity to ship by rail up to four million barrels a day of oil at less cost and more quickly, bypassing the need to finance huge pipelines.
Diane Francis, Financial Post, 09-Apr-2009 ... more

09 Apr 2009

Earth Hour is a joke
There are probably already some people who are complaining about how Earth Hour was soooo much less commercial back when the whole thing started (in 2007).
Editorial, National Post, 27-Mar-2009 ... more

30 Mar 2009

Natural gas faces two-year squeeze
Kevin Meyers, the head of Conoco-Phillips' Canadian unit, said he doesn't see a meaningful recovery for natural gas--and expects the possibility of even lower prices--for at least 18 to 24 months.
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 28-Mar-2009 ... more

29 Mar 2009

Alberta faces hot debate on nuclear power
NuclearReport.png It certainly doesn't look explosive. But don't be misled. This is a report with the potential to ignite a firestorm.
Paula Simons, Times Colonist, 29-Mar-2009 ... more

29 Mar 2009

Did Goldman Goose Oil?
When oil prices spiked last summer to $147 a barrel, the biggest corporate casualty was oil pipeline giant Semgroup Holdings. Some of the people involved in cleaning up the financial mess are suggesting that Semgroup's collapse was more than just bad judgment and worse timing.
Christopher Helman & Liz Moyer, Forbes Magazine, 13-Apr-2009. ... more

29 Mar 2009

Irving's next frontier: electricity
Irving Oil Ltd. is looking to expand its energy exporting empire into electricity with a proposal to build a 600-megawatt gas-fired power plant that would be a key supplier to an ambitious new “energy corridor” that New Brunswick and Maine plan to develop.
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, 25-Mar-2009 ... more

26 Mar 2009

Environmentalists in a Clash of Goals
As David Myers scans the rocky slopes of this desert canyon, looking vainly past clumps of brittlebush for bighorn sheep, he imagines an enemy advancing across the crags.
By Felicity Barringer, New York Times, 24-Mar-2009 ... more

25 Mar 2009

Safeguards on drilling make sense
No one would suggest we can revive the auto industry by eliminating air bags or catalytic converters and going back to leaded gasoline. No one thinks we should stimulate the housing industry by canceling modern safety and environmental standards. Yet some suggest that protections recently adopted by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission be delayed or dropped. This would be an historic mistake.
Michael P. Dowling, The Denver Post, 22-Mar-2009 ... more

25 Mar 2009

U.S. may tug on B.C. wallet for shipwreck protection
It was the 42nd time in 10 years that the tug has churned to the aid of a crippled ship -- the 42nd time that we Canadians have piggybacked on Washington taxpayers who have been shouldering the entire cost of preventing shipwrecks in the strait.
Jack Knox, Times Colonist, 17-Mar-2009 ... more

24 Mar 2009

Natural Gas, Suddenly Abundant, Is Cheaper
GasPrices200902.gifThe decline in crude oil prices gets all the headlines, but the first globalized natural gas glut in history is driving an even more drastic collapse in the cost of gas that cooks food, heats homes and runs factories in the United States and many other countries.
Clifford Krauss, New York Times, 20-Mar-2009 ... more

21 Mar 2009

Tri-National Meeting of Energy Sector Workers
Representatives from leading energy sector unions and civil society organizations from Mexico, the United States and Canada met in Mexico City March 16-18, for the third annual round of meetings. This network formed in 2007 to confront the secretive and undemocratic Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) being discussed in meetings of the leaders of the three countries.
Carleen Pickard, Council of Canadians, 18-Mar-2009 ... more

18 Mar 2009

Obama Tries to Draw Up an Inclusive Energy Plan
After gasoline prices rose above $4 a gallon last summer, Republican cries of "drill, baby, drill" forced candidate Barack Obama into a rare retreat. Under pressure, he said he would support some expansion of offshore oil drilling, while still emphasizing conservation and renewable energy.
Jad Mouawad, New York Times, 17-Mar-2009 ... more

18 Mar 2009

Washington big guns take up oil sands cause
From the recently formed Center for North American Energy Security (CNAES), headed by former Republican Congressman Tom Corcoran, to the American Petroleum Institute (API), some of the world's major oil companies and former U.S. ambassadors to Canada like Gordon Giffin, some big guns in Washington's lobby community are taking up the oil sands cause.
Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post, 10-Mar-2009 ... more

11 Mar 2009

Legislation makes Strait's oil-spill boat permanent
For more than two decades, environmentalists and their allies have pushed for a tugboat to be stationed at a pivotal point along Washington's coast to rescue ships in danger of running aground and spilling oil. Now, it looks like they are finally about to win that fight.
Robert McClure, Post-Intelligencer, 08-Mar-2009 ... more

10 Mar 2009

Wake up, Alberta – Obama's going for the hard cap on emissions
On Thursday, President Barack Obama will present his 2010 – yes, 2010 – budgetary proposals. Albertans in particular and Canadians in general might get a shock. Heads firmly in the sand, such as those in the Alberta cabinet, might miss what will be proposed, but no one else will.
Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail, 23-Feb-2009 ... more

24 Feb 2009

Bust-town, Alta.
In a snow-swept field northeast of Edmonton, a slender green smokestack rises like an impudent finger gesturing rudely at the economic carnage around it. The stack is surrounded by industrial debris. This is the would-be home of a massive bitumen upgrading project, which, after a $530-million investment in land, equipment and technology, now lies abandoned by all but security guards. Its corporate owner, BA Energy, is in bankruptcy protection. The province's long-running pursuit of industrial diversification is once again on hold.
Gordon Pitts, Globe and Mail, 20-Feb-2009 ... more

22 Feb 2009

Harper & Obama: A new era of co-operation
Barack Obama and Stephen Harper reset Canada-U.S. relations in three hours of meetings Friday, bending over backwards to dispel tension from the George W. Bush era and pledging to co-operate at the border and around the world.
Campbell Clark, Globe and Mail, 20-Feb-2009
Obama's élan, and trumped up 'clean energy dialogue'
The U.S. administration is too new and Canada too internally divided for the two countries now to tackle together, and seriously, greenhouse-gas emissions.
Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail, 20-Feb-2009
Obama edginess in Ottawa
Stephen Harper with the security legions, got a discomfited look on his face when Barack Obama asked if they could step outside to wave to the crowd. Oh no, he seemed to fret. I don't want it to end this way: taking a bullet for the big-spending liberal.
Rick Salutin, Globe and Mail, 20-Feb-2009
Obama and Harper forge common front
Barack Obama swept aside eight years of jangled Canadian nerves and cross-border tensions yesterday, singling out his northern neighbour as the first choice for a new American partnership with the world
Mitch Potter, Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star, 20-Feb-2009 ... more

20 Feb 2009

I Hope Obama Jumps the Right Way on Canada's Tar Sands
Does Obama believe Canada can green its tar sands, or will his environmental measures destroy tar sands production by making it prohibitively expensive to sell south of the border?
George Monbiot, The Guardian, 19-Feb-2009 ... more

20 Feb 2009

Alta. family fights for court costs after battle with oil company
Six years ago, the Ball Ranch near the small community of Bragg Creek, Alta., experienced its worst calving season in memory.
Jamie Komarnicki, Edmonton Journal, 12-Feb-2009 ... more

18 Feb 2009

Majors stake out oil sands holdings
While no one seems to be looking, the oil sands landscape is poised to change once again as global oil majors take steps to stake out even bigger holdings.
Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post, 17-Feb2009 ... more

17 Feb 2009

Ignatieff eyes energy as way to win western votes
Michael Ignatieff used his first visit to Regina since becoming Liberal leader to acknowledge some of his party’s past missteps in Western Canada's energy sector and appeal to voters in the “new economic centre” of the country.
Angela Hall, Regina Leader-Post, 16-Feb-2009 ... more

17 Feb 2009

Gauging gouging
After last summer’s extraordinarily high gas prices, the Alaska House Judiciary Committee was tasked with investigating why state prices didn’t drop when the rest of the nation’s did. The report came out February 2, authored by Judiciary Committee Chair Jay Ramras (R-Fairbanks), but it didn’t contain any definitive answers to why our prices remained high.
By Brendan Joel Kelley, Anchorage Press, 11-Feb-2009
No evidence of illegal activity behind high Alaska gas pricesTwo investigations into high state gas prices found no illegal activity but are offering ammunition for people for and against legislation that would prevent price gouging by setting profit margin caps.
Rena Delbridge, Fairbanks News-Miner, 12-Feb-2009 ... more

14 Feb 2009

Oilsands critics blast plan
responsibleactions.jpgThe Alberta government Thursday outlined what it believes is a more environmentally and socially responsible approach to oilsands development, but the plan failed to quiet growing criticism.
Darcy Henton & Hanneke Brooymans, Edmonton Journal, 13-Feb-2009
Responsible Actions: A Plan for Alberta’s Oil Sands
Media Release, Alberta Treasury Board, 12-Feb-2009
Alberta's Oil Sands Just Got Dirtier
Media Release, The Pembina Institute, 13-Feb-2009
Oilsands critics blast plan
Darcy Henton & Hanneke Brooymans, Edmonton Journal, 13-Feb-2009
Alberta's new oilsands plan focuses on economic growth, environment
Renata Daliesio, Calgary Herald, 12-Feb-2009
'Devil's in the details,' say cautious producers
Lisa Schmidt, Calgary Herald, 13-Feb-2009
Oilsands report calls for increased focus on environment
Darcy Henton & Hanneke Brooymans, Vancouver Sun, 13-Feb-2009
Oil-sands plan vague, critics say
Katherine O'Neill & Nathan Vanderklippe, The Globe and Mail 13-Feb-2009 ... more

13 Feb 2009

Syncrude charged in duck deaths
The federal and Alberta governments laid unprecedented charges yesterday against the Syncrude Canada Ltd. oil sands venture over last year's death of 500 ducks in a tailings pond.
Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post, 10-Feb-2009
Syncrude execs may face time in jail
Darcy Henton & Hanneke Brooymans, The Edmonton Journal, 10-Feb-2009
Syncrude charged over Alberta duck deaths
Dawn Walton & Nathan Vanderklippe, Globe and Mail, 9-Feb-2009 ... more

10 Feb 2009

Market elusive for US West Coast LNG imports
Woodside Petroleum's decision to scrap a liquefied natural gas import terminal in California last month bodes ill for developers on the U.S. West Coast already struggling to bring projects to fruition.
Edward McAllister, Reuters UK, 04-Feb-2009 ... more

08 Feb 2009

Boom in gas drilling fuels contamination concerns in Colorado
Some scientists and citizens want firms that extract natural gas to reveal what chemicals they’re using.
Josh McDaniel, Christian Science Monitor, 05-Feb-2009 ... more

07 Feb 2009

The mighty tug protects state waters
Trade-dependent port communities throughout Washington are subject to the benefits and risks posed by maritime traffic. But we can't limit environmental protections to flush times, for we need to trade responsibly and there's no good time for a major oil spill.
Fred Felleman, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 03-Feb-2009 ... more

04 Feb 2009

Bishop spurns oilsands development
The bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese that covers Fort McMurray has waded into the environmental debate over the oilsands, saying future development there "constitutes a serious moral problem" and goes against God's teachings.
Kelly Cryderman & Florence Loyie, The Edmonton Journal, 27-Jan-2009 ... more

31 Jan 2009

Big Energy companies announce 2008 record results
No recession here: first round of 2008 annual results from the oil and gas majors
$45.2-billion: Exxon's record year
John Porretto, Globe and Mail, 30-Jan-2009
Shell makes first quarterly loss in a decade
Terry Macalister & Graeme Wearden, The Guardian, 29-Jan-2009
Imperial racks up record 2008 profits
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 30-Jan-2009
Petro-Canada posts loss, coy on Fort Hills
Carrie Tait, Financial Post, 29-Jan-2009 ... more

31 Jan 2009

Oil patch blues not as lowdown as feared
So far, so good. Sort of. Thursday's much-feared round of oil patch fourth-quarter reports was not nearly as grim as had been originally forecast.
Charles Frank, National Post, 31-Jan-2009 ... more

31 Jan 2009

Conservatives ground green energy plan
Green energy proponents were disappointed by the federal government's decision to exclude renewable power from a $40-billion economic stimulus package announced in Tuesday's budget.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 28-Jan-2009 ... more

28 Jan 2009

State not ready for oil spill
Washington's state government and maritime industry are dangerously underprepared to handle an oil spill even one-fifth the size of an Exxon Valdez.
Robert McClure, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 23-Jan-2009 ... more

25 Jan 2009

Ignatieff touts Alberta tar sands
"The stupidest thing you can do (is) to run against an industry that is providing employment for hundreds of thousands of Canadians."
Andrew Chung, The Star, 22-Jan-2009 ... more

22 Jan 2009

COALergy: "Smudge"
from the Reality Campaign ... more

20 Jan 2009

U.S. plans to open offshore drilling
MMS-OCS-Map.jpgThe U.S. Interior Department, acting in President Bush's final days in office, proposed on Friday opening up 130 million acres off of California's coast to drilling for oil and natural gas, including areas off Humboldt and Mendocino counties and from San Luis Obispo south to San Diego.
Jane Kay, San Francisco Chronicle, 17-Jan-2009
Proposal could lead to more offshore drilling
Jim Tankersley, LA Times, 16-Jan-2009
Feds issue offshore drilling plan, including Alaska's Bristol Bay
H. Josef Hebert, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, 16-Jan-2009
MMS News Release, Fact Sheets & Draft Program ... more

18 Jan 2009

Canadian oil, gas entities fight for their lives
As oil sands developer BA Energy Inc. seeks help from an Alberta court Friday to prevent a fire sale of its assets and appease nervous bankers, it joins a growing list of Canadian oil and gas companies fighting for their lives amid the credit crunch.
Claudia Cattaneo & Carrie Tait, Financial Post, 15-Jan2009 ... more

16 Jan 2009

Oil giant comes in from the cold
Exxon funded global warming denial for years. Yesterday, in an astonishing U-turn, it called for the imposition of green taxes.
Stephen Foley, The Independent, 10-Jan-2009 ... more

15 Jan 2009

Alyeska plans to sell Berth 1, keep Berth 3 for other options
The owners of the big tanker port in Valdez say two of the four berths there are no longer needed for loading crude oil from the trans-Alaska oil pipeline.
Anchorage Daily News, 13-Jan-2009 ... more

15 Jan 2009

BA Energy first oil sands developer to file for protection
BA Energy Inc., developer of the $4-billion Heartland Upgrader near Edmonton, Wednesday became the first oil sands company to file for bankruptcy protection, fearing its parent company's major lender, Credit Suisse, will recall a US$507-million loan.
Claudia Cattaneo & Carrie Tait, Financial Post, 14-Jan-2009 ... more

15 Jan 2009

Russia resumes pumping gas to Europe
Russia's Gazprom state gas monopoly resumed pumping gas to Europe via Ukraine Tuesday after a six-day cutoff that left large parts of Europe cold and dark.
Associated Press, Globe and Mail, 13-Jan-2009 ... more

13 Jan 2009

Saudi to cut oil supply below OPEC targets
Saudi Arabia plans to go beyond OPEC's deepest ever single cut in supply as the world's top oil exporter looks to halt a slide that has lopped over $110 (U.S.) off the oil price since July.
Mayank Bhardwaj, Globe and Mail, 13-Jan-2009 ... more

13 Jan 2009

Russia vows to restore gas flow to Europe
Russia today vowed to fully restore the flow of gas to the European Union as quickly as possible, and blamed Ukraine for the crisis.
Julia Kollewe, The Guardian, 12-Jan-2009 ... more

12 Jan 2009

Huge gas project set for 2011
B.C.'s Horn River play estimated to hold as much as 13 trillion cubic feet. Last November, natural-gas giant EnCana Corp. quietly filed a multi-billion dollar natural-gas plant proposal with provincial regulators in B.C.
Dina O'Meara, Calgary Herald, 11-Jan-2009 ... more

12 Jan 2009

Exposing the Myth of Clean Coal Power
If you paid any attention to last year's Presidential campaign, you'll remember ads touting the benefits of "clean coal" power, sponsored by the industry group American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.
Bryan Walsh, Time Magazine, 12-Jan-2009 ... more

12 Jan 2009

Feed-In Frenzy
A simple green tariff has transformed Germany. Why isn’t Canada following suit?
Chris Turner, The Walrus, Jan/Feb 2009 ... more

11 Jan 2009

Canadians tell oil men to clean up their act
Canadians are telling oil sands companies they need to do a better job of protecting the environment, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers admitted on Thursday.
Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post, 08-Jan-2009 ... more

08 Jan 2009

Teck Cominco slashing 1,400 jobs
Teck Cominco Ltd. is cutting 1,400 jobs globally, or 13 per cent of its work force, because of slumping demand for coal and plunging commodity prices.
Virginia Galt, Globe and Mail, 08-Jan-2009 ... more

08 Jan 2009

The staggering cost of new nuclear power
A multi-part series about the costs of new nuclear power.
Climate Progress, 05-Jan-2009 ... more

07 Jan 2009

Alberta resident suing Syncrude over dead ducks
An Alberta resident is suing one of the country's largest oil-sands' operators, alleging that it was responsible for killing 500 ducks at its northern Alberta facility last spring.
Caroline Alphonso, Globe and Mail, 07-Jan-2009 ... more

07 Jan 2009

Russia-Ukraine gas crisis intensifies as all European supplies are cut off
Gazprom, the state-owned Russian gas group, today cut off all supplies to Europe travelling through Ukrainian pipelines, intensifying the political and economic crisis that has arisen out of a payments dispute between the two countries.Russian gas flows to Europe through Ukraine shut down completely on Wednesday, reducing power to industries and homes in south-east Europe and disrupting supplies to major economies.
David Gow, The Guardian, 07-Jan-2009
Russia completely turns off gas spigot
Dmitry Zhdannikov & Pavel Polityuk, Reuters, 07-Jan-2009 ... more

07 Jan 2009

Tehran looks to the skies for cheap power from the sun
Tehran looks to the skies for cheap power from the sun
Alok Jha, The Guardian, 06-Jan-2009 ... more

06 Jan 2009

Oregon exceptionally generous with green-energy subsidies
Oregon taxpayers are shelling out tens of millions of dollars to subsidize green energy projects, making the state a magnet for solar and wind companies.
Harry Esteve, The Oregonian, 02-Jan-2009 ... more

05 Jan 2009

Barnett Shale drilling and natural gas prices down
The number of drilling rigs active in the Barnett Shale finished the year down 26 percent from its peak in early October, mirroring a decline in drilling nationwide as natural gas prices have plunged amid worries about weak demand.
Jim Fuquay, Star-Telegram, 03-Jan-2009 ... more

04 Jan 2009

Russia gas row disruption spreads
Russian gas flows to four European Union countries were below normal levels on Saturday after Moscow cut off supplies to Ukraine in a pricing row, and there were no talks in sight to resolve the dispute.
Reuters, Globe and Mail, 03-Jan-2009 ... more

03 Jan 2009

Enbridge Energy to pay state $1.1 million for waterways violations during pipeline construction
Enbridge Energy, the company that built a 321-mile, $2 billion oil pipeline across Wisconsin has agreed to pay $1.1 million for environmental violations committed during work in and around wetlands, rivers and streams.
Associated Press,, 02-Jan-2009 ... more

03 Jan 2009 energy archives







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Energy in British Columbia

Premier's climate-change hypocrisy could doom first nation's way of life
We are the Fort Nelson First Nation. We have just under 800 members comprising 14 major families. You may not have heard of us, or have yet to visit the far northeastern corner of the province that is our home, but we're here. And right now, we're trying to reconcile the Premier's words on preventing climate change and advancing first nations with his performance in our backyard.
Chief Kathie Dickie, Vancouver Sun, 22-Dec-2009 ... more

23 Dec 2009

B.C. only province with rising greenhouse gases
British Columbia was the only province in the country to report an increase in greenhouse gas emissions from major industries in 2008, according to figures released by Environment Canada.
CBC News, 21-Dec-2009 ... more

22 Dec 2009

Ingmar Lee's Statement
IngmarLeeOntheFlagpole.jpgOn December 19, Ingmar climbed the flagpole on the front lawn of the BC legislature
Ingmar Lee, 20-Dec-2009 ... more

20 Dec 2009

Oil pipeline to Kitimat prompts flagpole climb
Environmental protester Ingmar Lee was arrested by Victoria police yesterday morning after scaling the flagpole at the B.C. legislature in full climbing gear.
Louise Dickson, Times Colonist, 20-Dec-2009
CHEK News, 20-Dec-2009 ... more

20 Dec 2009

B.C.'s gas sector expects an extra $600m in 2010
British Columbia's natural gas stimulus package will generate at least $600 million in additional investment in the province next year, according to a new study.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 18-Dec-2009 ... more

18 Dec 2009

Environmental Groups Recommend New Approaches to Clean Electricity in BC
Several environmental organizations today released a blueprint for improving the planning and development of renewable electricity projects in British Columbia.
Media Release, 17-Dec-2009 ... more

17 Dec 2009

Independent power costs raise questions about B.C. policy
Depending on whom you choose to believe, a wholesale expansion of British Columbia's electricity supply is either fiscal folly or a wise investment in the future.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 04-Dec-2009 ... more

05 Dec 2009

The fight for our future begins
On the eve of a pivotal United Nations climate conference that many observers are already describing as a failure, some of the gloomiest climate research data on record has been making its way into the public realm.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 05-Dec-2009 ... more

05 Dec 2009

Enridge project's potential hazards making opponents edgy
Against a pristine backdrop of blue mountains and ocean mist, a solitary grizzly surveys a bountiful realm. That captivating image appeared on a poster last week, advertising a speaking tour by two West Coast journalists opposed to an oil pipeline promising prosperity and jobs in northern B.C.
Barbara Yaffe, Vancouver Sun, 03-Dec-2009 ... more

03 Dec 2009

Oil exports to Asia drive expansion plans at B.C. ports in Vancouver and Kitimat
Flying completely under the radar and blissfully ignored by environmental and first nations organizations is an existing and rapidly growing crude oil shipment business through the Port of Vancouver, complete with its own significant expansion goals and sights also set on future Asian markets.
Don Whiteley, Vancouver Sun, 01-Dec-2009 ... more

02 Dec 2009

Group formed to oppose pipeline plan
A new environmental group based in Prince George has been formed to fight Enbridge's proposed $4.5-billion oil and condensate pipelines through northern B.C.
Gordon Hoekstra, Prince George Citizen, 26-Nov-2009 ... more

29 Nov 2009

Shell Scratches Surface
The same year that Royal Dutch Shell's Canadian subsidiary was forced to put their coalbed methane plans on hold in BC's Sacred Headwaters region, the company was quietly laying the groundwork for a large coalbed methane project in northeast BC
Eric Swanson, Dogwood Initiative, 24-Nov-2009 ... more

26 Nov 2009

Customer groups absent in naming of committees
Organizations representing BC Hydro's industrial, commercial and residential customers are absent from the rosters of four committees charged with transforming British Columbia into an electricity export powerhouse.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 21-Nov-2009 ... more

21 Nov 2009

Green Energy Advisory Task Force Members Named
News Release, MEMPR, 20-Nov-2009 ... more
20 Nov 2009

The 10-billion-barrel battle
Henry Lyatsky is a man on a mission. The Calgary-based oil industry consultant is on a one-man campaign to lift the moratorium on offshore oil drilling on Canada’s West Coast.
Dave Simms, CBC News, 20-Nov2009 ... more

20 Nov 2009

BC Hydro pares bid list for Clean Power, calls for price cuts
BC Hydro will begin awarding electricity sales contracts in December after paring its Clean Power Call list to 13 successful bidders and asking for lower price bids from 34 other hopefuls, the Crown corporation announced on Tuesday.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 18-Nov-2009 ... more

18 Nov 2009

Nexen plans big expansion in British Columbia
Nexen Inc. will spend $200 million on its Horn River shale gas play in B.C. over the next year to quadruple its current output, chief executive Marvin Romanow said at an investor conference in New York Tuesday.
Vancouver Sun, 18-Nov-2009 ... more

18 Nov 2009

BC Hydro proceeds with next step of Clean Power Call
BC Hydro is continuing to advance the Clean Power Call to acquire clean, renewable and cost-effective electricity, the crown corporation announced today.
News Release, BC Hydro, 17-Nov-2009 ... more

17 Nov 2009

First nations lawsuit seeks to halt power line to Lower Mainland
A lawsuit filed by first nations in the Okanagan seeks to quash a key certificate needed for a proposed high-voltage power line to the Lower Mainland, claiming the province never consulted with aboriginals about the project and two existing high-power lines.
Richard J. Dalton Jr., Vancouver Sun, 16-Nov-2009 ... more

16 Nov 2009

AltaGas short-circuits BC Hydro
Proponents of a major independent power project in northwest British Columbia have quit BC Hydro’s bidding process in favour of cutting a power sales deal directly with the provincial government, documents show.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 13-Nov-2009 ... more

14 Nov 2009

Natural gas returns less likely on Island
Despite hopes earlier this decade that central Vancouver Island could soon be the centre of a vibrant natural gas industry, those expectations have faded dramatically.
Robert Barron, Nanaimo Daily News, 06-Nov-2009 ... more

07 Nov 2009

Will it be bye, bye Burrard Thermal? Well, not so fast
The press release from the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources last week might have you thinking the Burrard Thermal generating plant in Port Moody will soon be shut down and our air quality will be much improved as a consequence. Wrong on both counts.
Elaine Golds, Tri-City News, 06-Nov-2009 ... more

06 Nov 2009

Island coal operation would supply Asian steel mills
The coal seam stretching 25 kilometres in the hills between Fanny Bay and Courtenay on Vancouver Island might soon become a component of Korean and Japanese steel.
By Marcel Tetrault, Vancouver Sun, 31-Oct-2009 ... more

05 Nov 2009

Total impact of hydro projects on B.C.'s rivers unknown, experts say
British Columbia is decades behind other North American jurisdictions when it comes to confronting the impacts that hydroelectric development may have on the environment, a green energy conference heard Tuesday in Vancouver.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 04-Nov-2009 ... more

05 Nov 2009

BC Hydro board shuffles CEO Bob Elton aside
British Columbia’s biggest Crown utility is looking for a new leader, one with vision, political acumen and perhaps a ruthless streak that was lacking in the outgoing president and CEO. BC Hydro chairman Dan Doyle announced on Wednesday that Bob Elton is being shuffled out of his role as president and chief executive officer.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 04-Nov-2009
BC Hydro CEO Bob Elton 'transitioning' to special adviser to utility's board
Steve Mertl, Canadian Press, 04-Nov-2009
This looks like a sideways move
Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun, 05-Nov-2009 ... more

04 Nov 2009

B.C. powering up for green initiatives
British Columbia will ask private industry for a new slate of green electricity proposals in the spring, Premier Gordon Campbell says, as the government pushes to more quickly develop clean energy for the province and for export.
David Ebner, Globe and Mail, 03-Nov-2009 ... more

04 Nov 2009

B.C. launches green-power policy review
Premier Gordon Campbell on Monday announced a sweeping, fundamental review of energy policy in British Columbia.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 03-Nov-2009 ... more

04 Nov 2009

New independent power could add $26.1 billion to B.C. economy
The independent power sector could inject $26.1 billion into the British Columbia economy by 2020, according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers study to be released today in Vancouver.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 03-Nov-2009 ... more

04 Nov 2009

Task Force, Committee to Lead Clean Energy Development
The Province will establish a Green Energy Advisory Task Force, as committed in the August 2009 throne speech, and a new Cabinet Committee on Climate Action and Clean Energy, Premier Gordon Campbell announced today at the Independent Power Producers of B.C. annual conference.
News Release, Office of the Premier, 02-Nov-2009
Premier Campbell announces sweeping B.C. energy policy review
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 02-Nov-2009 ... more

02 Nov 2009

IPPBC Welcomes Paul Kariya as New Executive Director
News Release, IPPBC, 29-Oct-2009 ... more
30 Oct 2009

LTAP: MEMPR "clarifies intention" on Burrard Thermal
The Province has clarified its intention to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) to end BC Hydro’s reliance on the Burrard Thermal Generating Facility for energy needs.
Media Release, MEMPR, 28-Oct-2009
B.C. government orders Burrard Thermal writeoff
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 29-Oct-2009
Burrard Thermal goes to back burner
Tom Fletcher, BC Local News, 29-Oct-2009
Government clears way for greener power expansion
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 30-Oct-2009 ... more

29 Oct 2009

Carbon trust faces tonnes of work
B.C. could be paying $25 million a year to compensate for its carbon emissions. That is what you, as taxpayers, are forking out to support the B.C. government's ambitious, precedent-setting plan to make itself carbon-neutral before 2011.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 24-Oct-2009 ... more

24 Oct 2009

Valley residents are ready to fight Metro's plan to burn garbage
Serious concerns have been raised about Metro Vancouver's plan to install six waste incinerators around the Lower Mainland: The prohibitive costs, the potential impact on the environment and the inherent disincentive to recycle that comes with incineration.
Patricia Ross, Vancouver Sun, 24-Oct-2009 ... more

24 Oct 2009

Gas auction attracts $370 million to B.C.
There appears to be no letting up in the race to lock up natural-gas wealth in northeast British Columbia.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 23-Oct-2009 ... more

23 Oct 2009

Province halts major transmission system inquiry
The provincial government has put the brakes on a major inquiry into the future of British Columbia's electrical transmission system.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 20-Oct-2009 ... more

17 Oct 2009

Pollution charges laid in dramatic Burnaby oil pipeline rupture
Larry Pynn , Vancouver Sun, October 5, 2009 METRO VANCOUVER -- The B.C. Ministry of Environment has laid charges in connection with the dramatic rupture of a crude oil pipeline in Burnaby in 2007. Kinder Morgan Canada and Trans Mountain... ... more
06 Oct 2009

NTL: Does B.C.'s new power line fall short of being green?
Prime Minister Stephen Harper came under attack from environmentalists last week following his announcement, in Washington, that Ottawa will provide $130-million from the Green Infrastructure Fund for a power line in northwestern British Columbia. Was the criticism justified? Or did Mr. Harper get unfairly attacked?
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 22-Sep-2009 ... more

22 Sep 2009

Follow the money, not the trash pile, in solving waste management mess
In Delta, where I live, we play host to the garbage of Vancouver, Richmond, south Surrey, White Rock and Richmond, not to mention our own. Please, don't give it another thought. I know you don't.
Pete McMartin, Vancouver Sun, 22-Sep-2009 ... more

22 Sep 2009

COAL: Copper Mountain rejects Taseko bid
Copper Mountain Mining Corp. has rejected an unsolicited, conditional share-exchange merger proposal by Taseko Mines Ltd. which would give Taseko control of Copper Mountain near Princeton.
Marke Andrews, Vancouver Sun, 17-Sep-2009 ... more

17 Sep 2009

NTL: Northwest Transmission Line gets critical subsidy
$404-million power line key to billion-dollar boost for B.C.'s northwest
The province promised it will push ahead with construction of the $404-million transmission line through northwestern B.C. following Prime Minister Stephen Harper's announcement Wednesday that the federal government would cover up to $130 million of the cost.
Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun, 17-Sep-2009
Harper pledges $130-million for northern B.C. power line
Justine Hunter, Globe and Mail, 16-Sep-2009
Transmission line to power northwest B.C.
Clare Ogilvie, The Province, 17-Sep-2009
News Release, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, 16-Sep-2009 ... more

17 Sep 2009

COAL: Raven Coal Project on CBC
John Tapics of Compliance Energy and Arthur Caldicott speak to CBC's Gregor Craigie about the proposed Raven Underground Coal Project.
On the Island, CBC Radio, 14&15-Sep-2009 ... more

15 Sep 2009

Will the environment be a vanishing interest for Campbell too?
At one time, it was Five Great Goals for a Golden Decade, an ambitious bit of target-setting that was going to make British Columbians global leaders in everything from literacy to healthy living. But soon the handful of worthy objectives would be mostly forgotten ...
Gary Mason, Globe and Mail, 08-Sep-2009 ... more

08 Sep 2009

BOMB: Climate of fear grips gas country
It is early evening in Tomslake and the rural roads are eerily quiet. This corner of northeastern British Columbia is no longer the place to go for an idle drive, even on one of summer's last beautiful days. As tension ratchets up around the 11-month search for the EnCana bomber, chances are a watchful, nervous neighbour will call the RCMP.
Hanneke Brooymans, Edmonton Journal, 07-Sep-2009 ... more

07 Sep 2009

GATEWAY: Haida Nation says no way to oil tanker traffic
Plans by a Calgary company to pipe crude oil to Kitimat, allowing it to be shipped through north coast waters, are "ludicrous" and "unbelievable", and will never be allowed to happen, says Haida Nation president Guujaaw.
Alex Rinfret, Queen Charlotte Island Observer, 02-Sep-2009 ... more

03 Sep 2009

GATEWAY: B.C. natives object to pipeline project
The Haisla First Nation on the British Columbia coast has raised concerns about a proposed new northern pipeline and tanker port that is now under federal review.
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 01-Sep-2009 ... more

02 Sep 2009

BOMB: "It's Like the Wild West Out Here" (2/2)
rick_koechl.jpgThe once serene road to Tim and Linda Ewert's organic farm near Tomslake in northeastern British Columbia has become a mess of dust clouds, drilling rigs and hordes of pick-up trucks as the area transforms into the newest frontier of Canada's natural gas boom.
Chris Arsenault, IPS, 30-Aug-2009 ... more

31 Aug 2009

Save Burrard Thermal, reduce greenhouse-gas emissions: Mark Jaccard
A former B.C. Utilities Commission chair, Mark Jaccard, has said he supports the B.C. government’s decision to issue a directive to the BCUC. But in a phone interview with the Straight, the SFU professor of resource management added a caveat: he supports phasing out the burning of natural gas—which creates greenhouse-gas emissions—to generate electricity as long as there is no carbon-capture-and-storage facility.
Charlie Smith, Georgia Straight, 27-Aug-2009 ... more

30 Aug 2009

BOMB: Pipeline Sabotage Blows Image of Stable Canada (1/2)
pipeline_saboteurs.jpgNorth America's largest natural gas corporation hopes a one-million-dollar bounty will take down the saboteur who is blowing up their pipelines in northern Canada.
Chris Arsenault, IPS, 27-Aug-2009 ... more

28 Aug 2009

B.C. environment minister eyes Cache Creek landfill expansion
Environment Minister Barry Penner is pitching the Cache Creek landfill expansion as a possible alternative to exporting waste to Washington, setting the scene for another showdown with a local first nations group.
Kelly Sinoski, Vancouver Sun, 27-Aug-2009 ... more

28 Aug 2009

So many new challenges for SE2 vanquisher
For someone who says she doesn't like fighting, Patricia Ross throws one heck of a punch (figuratively speaking) when Fraser Valley air quality is threatened. And threatened it is by the increased urgency for Metro Vancouver to build up to six waste-to-energy incineration plants to burn roughly 600,000 tonnes of garbage annually.
Brian Lewis, The Province, 27-Aug-2009 ... more

27 Aug 2009

Victoria faces free-fall in resource revenues
The collapse of British Columbia's resource industries is expected to push provincial government revenue projections into a steep decline, far deeper than the $2.8-billion drop forecast in last February's budget.
Gordon Hamilton, Vancouver Sun, 27-Aug-2009
Falling energy revenues push Alberta $6.9 billion into deficit
Trish Audette & Archie McLean, Canwest News Service, 27-Aug-2009 ... more

27 Aug 2009

Liberals' new energy moves draw mixed reaction
The provincial government's plan to "maximize" B.C.'s green electricity sector drew cheers and jeers on Wednesday.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 27-Aug-2009 ... more

27 Aug 2009

Overruling utilities regulator puts Campbell in tricky spot
The B.C. government chipped away at the independence of the British Columbia Utilities Commission this week, announcing its intention to overrule a decision rejecting BC Hydro plans that included downgrading the Burrard generating plant.
Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, 26-Aug-2009
Utilities watchdog gets choke chain
Tom Fletcher, Black Press, 25-Aug-2009 ... more

27 Aug 2009

Throne speech focuses on cost-cutting measures as revenues plummet
The Liberal government warned in a grim throne speech Tuesday that costs must be dramatically cut, requiring everything from public-sector wage freezes and possible layoffs to significant reviews of health authorities, boards of education and Crown corporations.
Jonathan Fowlie, Vancouver Sun, 26-Aug-2009
Energy in the Throne Speech
Excerpts, Throne Speech, 25-Aug-2009 ... more

26 Aug 2009

Natural gas prices in Canada could fall below $1, report warns
Natural gas in Canada, already scraping along at prices below $2, a low not seen since 2002, may fall below $1 in the coming weeks, according to a report from FirstEnergy Capital.
John Morrissy, Financial Post, 25-Aug-2009
Natural gas prices can't find a bottom
David Parkinson, Globe and Mail, 20-Aug-2009 ... more

26 Aug 2009

BC Hydro: EPAs from Clean Power Call to be awarded in Fall 2009
With respect to the future timing of the Clean Power Call process, we anticipate that any EPA awards will occur in the Fall of 2009.
Clean Power Call Update, BC Hydro, 24-Aug-2009 ... more

24 Aug 2009

COAL: Raven Underground Coal Project - New coal mine on Vancouver Island
Compliance Coal Corporation, 60% partner in the Comox Joint Venture with Japanese and Korean partners each holding 20%, is proposing to open a new underground coal mine in the Tsable River watershed between Parksville and Courtenay on Vancouver Island. The mine is estimated to produce 2.2 million tonnes of coal per year.
Project Description, Compliance Coal, 12-Aug-2009 ... more

23 Aug 2009

The big drill
What energy crisis? Despite what you may be hearing about a global peak in oil production, waning reserves, and $100-plus oil prices, North America is suddenly awash in fossil fuel.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 21-Aug-2009 ... more

22 Aug 2009

Peace River region rejects another hydro dam
Northeast British Columbia won’t yield to BC Hydro’s Site C mega-hydroelectric project without a fight. Directors of the Peace River regional district have voted to recommend the B.C. government reject Hydro’s request to undertake geotechnical surveys of potential locations for the estimated $6-billion Site C dam and its reservoir.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 18-Aug-2009 ... more

19 Aug 2009

LTAP: Commission ruling leaves private power producers crying a river
You can bet your bottom dollar that the July 27 ruling by the BC Utilities Commission on BC Hydro's 2008 Long Term Acquisition Plan sent a jolt through the premier's office, the provincial energy and environment ministries, and their friends in the private power industry.
Melissa Davis, Vancouver Sun, 18-Aug-2009 ... more

18 Aug 2009

Gas plant must curb emissions, watchdog says
A proposed $500-million natural gas processing plant in northeastern British Columbia will become the province's single-largest source of carbon dioxide unless the government tightens the rules for greenhouse gas emissions, the Pembina Institute said Monday.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 18-Aug-2009
Climate Change Implications of the Proposed EnCana Cabin Gas Plant
Media Release, Pembina Institute, 17-Aug-2009 ... more

18 Aug 2009

LiveSmart's death wounds companies
The phones at City Green have been ringing since Friday. The calls have mostly been about the sudden end of LiveSmart B.C., a rebate program for energy-efficient homes.
Ann Hui, Times Colonist, 18-Aug-2009 ... more

18 Aug 2009

Haida take $240-million stake in NaiKun wind project
The business arm of the Haida Nation announced Thursday an agreement with NaiKun Wind Energy Group to acquire a 40-per-cent equity stake in a $2-billion green power project on British Columbia's north coast.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 13-Aug-2009 ... more

13 Aug 2009

B.C. awards $120 million in credits for roads and pipelines
The British Columbia government has awarded $120 million in royalty credits to support 31 new road and pipeline projects, Energy Minister Blair Lekstrom announced on Wednesday.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 12-Aug-2009 ... more

13 Aug 2009

Hope is blowing in the wind for British Columbia
Standing under the mesmerizing blades of the new wind energy park up at Dawson Creek last week was a moment to celebrate: The gentle giants at British Columbia's first wind farm are now feeding clean electricity onto the grid.
Tzeporah Berman, Vancouver Sun, 12-Aug-2009 ... more

12 Aug 2009

LTAP: Private power comes with a huge cost
The B.C. Utilities Commission deserves a slap upside the head for its ruling on B.C. Hydro's plans to sign deals with private power companies that will cost consumers billions of dollars.
Paul Willcocks, Times Colonist, 12-Aug-2009 ... more

12 Aug 2009

Plutonic's EIS will be delayed until early 2010
It's going to take longer than first thought for Plutonic Power to submit an environmental impact statement (EIS) for its massive Bute Inlet Hydroelectric proposal.
Dan MacLennan, Courier-Islander, 12-Aug-2009 ... more

12 Aug 2009

Opposition to dams reaches high-water mark
When a public information meeting on a proposed power project was held in the small village of Kaslo earlier this year, nobody was clear about what to expect.
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 10-Aug-2009 ... more

11 Aug 2009

B.C. emerges as natural gas player
For four years, Alfred Sorensen and his tiny team at Galveston LNG Inc. worked to develop a natural gas import terminal on B.C.'s northwest coast, but were unable to court international producers to support the project. Then, a year ago, the company came up with a new idea: Export gas to Asia.
David Ebner, Globe and Mail, 11-Aug-2009 ... more

11 Aug 2009

Apache to supply Kitimat LNG
The prospects for liquiefied natural gas(LNG) exports off the West Coast took another step forward Monday, after Calgary-based Kitmat LNG signed an agreement with Houston-based Apache Corp. to supply its proposed liquifaction facility in northern British Columbia.
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald, 11-Aug-2009 ... more

11 Aug 2009

Big oil confronts big wind in Hecate Strait
Shell Canada and Chevron Canada claim their pre-existing rights in Hecate Strait will be infringed upon by the Naikun Offshore Wind Energy Project ... more
10 Aug 2009

LTAP: Squamish Nation lashes out at energy decision
The Squamish Nation has lashed out against the B.C. Utilities Commission following a ruling that refuses to endorse B.C. Hydro’s massive call for clean energy.
Sylvie Paillard, Squamish Chief, 07-Aug-2009
Several first nations have challenged the B.C. Utilities Commission for putting up a regulatory roadblock to development of wind and water power within their traditional territories.
First nations fume over BCUC's sudden coolness to green power
Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun, 01-Aug-2009 ... more

09 Aug 2009

A flood of fears over U.S. dam plans
You couldn't ask for a more deceptive location for a hydroelectric dam to flood southern B.C.'s rarest and most productive grassland landscape. The shallow Similkameen River flows languidly across the international border southeast of Keremeos near Osoyoos into Washington state's Okanogan County...
By Larry Pynn, Vancouver Sun, August 8, 2009 ... more

08 Aug 2009

LTAP: B.C. Utilities Commission ruling creates uncertain future for private power
Billions of dollars of potential [green energy] investment are at stake, according to Energy Minister Blair Lekstrom, and some commentators worry that any misstep by the B.C. Liberal government or BC Hydro could chase jobs and revenue right out of the province.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 07-Aug-2009 ... more

08 Aug 2009

Incentives aim to boost gas exploration in northeastern B.C.
The British Columbia government is discounting some of the royalties it collects on natural gas and oil resources in a bid to drive new investment in the northeast.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 07-Aug-2009
B.C. and Alberta in a natural gas poker game
Carrie Tait, Financial Post, 06-Aug-2009
News Release, MEMPR, 06-Aug-2009 ... more

07 Aug 2009

Wind-generated electricity finally feeds B.C.'s power grid
The initial trickle of electricity from British Columbia's first successful wind-power project will feed BC Hydro's provincial grid, beginning today.Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 06-Aug-2009 ... more
06 Aug 2009

Biomass projects to join Hydro grid
Four projects that will burn wood waste to generate electricity have the green light to join BC Hydro's power grid, the Crown corporation announced on Tuesday.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 05-Aug-2009
Bioenergy projects given green light to start producing clean, made-in-BC energy
News Release, BC Hydro, 04-Aug-2009 ... more

05 Aug 2009

LTAP: Kibosh on province's clean-energy call fuelled by logic
If humans were wired with electric circuits, a lot of fuses would have been blown last week when the British Columbia Utilities Commission rejected BC Hydro's long-term acquisition plan.
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 03-Aug-2009 ... more

03 Aug 2009

LTAP: Watch for Libs to rein in run-of-river spoilers
Last week's regulatory smackdown of Premier Gordon Campbell's clean-energy plan threw the government for a loop, not to mention the private power producers set to pump billions of dollars into B.C.'s green energy revolution.
Michael Smyth, The Province, 02-Aug-2009 ... more

03 Aug 2009

LTAP: Why the BC Utilities Commission Rejected BC Hydro’s Long Term Plan
The Commission is critical of the lack of evidence or analysis underlying BC Hydro’s Long Term Acquisition Plan. The decision is best viewed not as a challenge to government policy, but as a criticism of BC Hydro for not providing sufficient evidence that it was complying with government policy. The one exception to this conclusion is the refusal to endorse BC Hydro’s desire to reduce reliance on Burrard Thermal. That decision is harder to understand and seems more at odds with government policy.
George Hoberg and Lisa Jung, Green Policy Prof, 01-Aug-2009 ... more

03 Aug 2009

BOMB: The bomber dividing Tomslake
Bill Mazanek will not soon forget the time, two years ago, when his peaceful ranch in northeastern British Columbia turned into a little slice of Texas. He could walk to his front yard and see six drilling rigs and a dozen natural-gas flares, their flames licking high into the sky.
Nathan Vanderklippe, Globe and Mail, 01-Aug-2009
First came the energy boom. Now, the bombs
Since 2000, when the boom really got going, just over 10,000 gas and oil wells have been drilled in the Peace River region. Three of them are on Ken and Loretta Vause's 1,200-acre spread.
Pete McMartin, Vancouver Sun, 01-Aug-2009 ... more

02 Aug 2009

LTAP: Commission accused of "regulated racism"
The Sechelt Indian Band has accused the British Columbia Utilities Commission of "regulated racism."
Sean Holman, Public Eye Online, 30-Jul-2009
First nations fume over BCUC's sudden coolness to green power
Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun, 01-Aug-2009 ... more

01 Aug 2009

LTAP: BC’s Summer of Energy Discombobulation
There’s nothing like a BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) ruling to get our heated brain cells overworking. For a start, they don’t just say “yes” or “no”. They take evidence from witnesses, record cross-examinations, and sum it all up in 180 pages of technical argument, at the end of which they conclude, “Better to burn dirty gas than green power”.
Guy Dauncey, BCSEA Blog, 31-Jul-2009 ... more

01 Aug 2009

LTAP: Government mulls response to B.C. Hydro ruling
B.C.'s energy minister says the government is preparing a swift response that could include a legal challenge to the B.C. Utilities Commission's bombshell ruling against B.C. Hydro's massive call for clean energy.
Sam Cooper, Victoria Times Colonist, 30-Jul-2009 ... more

30 Jul 2009

LTAP: Burrard Thermal won’t be cranked up, BC Hydro says
BC Hydro will not be boosting production at the Burrard Thermal Plant, its natural-gas-fired generating station, despite a decision by the BC Utilities Commission that pointed to the station as the potential source of more power.
Fiona Anderson, Vancouver Sun, 30-Jul-2009 ... more

30 Jul 2009

LTAP: Media coverage of BCUC decision
Utilities commission snubs B.C.'s energy plan
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 30-Jul-2009
Green Premier's agenda hits snag as energy plan rejected
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 29-Jul-2009
Hydro power plans take body blow
Vaughn Palmer, Vancover Sun, 29-Jul-2009
Green power stocks fall on surprise utilities commission ruling
Nicole Mordant, Vancouver Sun, 29-Jul-2009
BC Utilities Commission decision murky on clean power
Greg Amos, The Tyee, 30-Jul-2009 ... more

30 Jul 2009

The elephant in the room
BC in the climate crisis - not even close to a real solution
Katherine Palmer Gordon, FOCUS Magazine, 28-Aug-2009 ... more

30 Jul 2009

LTAP: Reaction to BCUC rejection
BCUC Decision Good News for Hydro Ratepayers.
News Release, John Horgan, NDP Energy Critic, 28-Jul-2009
Utilities Watchdog Bites Private Power
News Release, COPE 378, 28-Jul-2009
BC Energy Watchdog Sides With Fossil Fuels
Tzeporah Berman, zero carbon canada, 28-Jul-2009
Energy Minister Calls NDP Response to Rejection of Private Energy Proposal Surprising
Andrea Boyes, CFAX-1070, 28-Jul-2009
Energy regulator’s shocking rejection of BC Hydro energy plan
Media Release, BC Sustainable Energy Association, 29-Jul-2009 ... more

29 Jul 2009

LTAP: Utilities Commission rejects BC Hydro's 2008 Long-Term Acquisition plan
This is a very strong slap on the wrist for BC Hydro. Practical consequences are not entirely clear.
Tom Hackney, BC-SEA, 27-Jul-2009 ... more

27 Jul 2009

BOMB: Letter gives EnCana three months to leave or attacks will 'get a lot worse'
A letter sent to a daily newspaper and addressed simply to “EnCana” says attacks against the company will stop for three months to give it a chance to leave the area.
Nathan VanderKlippe & Wendy Stueck, Globe and Mail, 17-Jul-2009
RCMP scout locales in hunt for bomber
Nathan VanderKlippe, Globe and Mail, 17-Jul-2009 ... more

17 Jul 2009

Olympics executive takes new appointment at BC Hydro
dan_doyle_t.gif The head of construction efforts for Vancouver's Olympic organizers is taking on a to a new position as chairman of the BC Hydro board of directors.
Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun, 17-Jul-2009 ... more

17 Jul 2009

Federal Review Panel Established for Environmental Assessment of Proposed Bute Inlet Hydroelectric Project
Canada’s Environment Minister Jim Prentice announced today the establishment of a three-member federal review panel for the proposed Bute Inlet Hydroelectric Project in British Columbia.
News Release, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, 16-Jul-2009 ... more

17 Jul 2009

BC Hydro announces fiscal results for 2009
BC Hydro today announced its financial results for Fiscal 2009, including a consolidated net income of $366 million for the year ended March 31, 2009, which is comparable to the prior year's net income.Press Release, BC Hydro, 10-Jul-2009
Drop in demand means lower profits at BC Hydro
Fiona Anderson, Vancouver Sun, July 10, 2009 ... more

12 Jul 2009

Local voices must be heard in decisions on power projects
Last week, Sierra Club staff and volunteers boated up the 75-kilometre inlet, and travelled along overgrown logging roads to remote river valleys that could soon house turbines and transmission lines. We wanted a first-hand view of the scope of the development owned by Plutonic Power Corp and its partner General Electric.
George Heyman & Sarah Cox, Vancouver Sun, 11-Jul-2009 ... more

12 Jul 2009

BOMB: Land of suspicion
There is anger in the Peace, and suspicion. Someone is making homemade bombs, planting them beside natural gas wells and pipelines. Setting them off. Scaring families, exposing them to harm.
Brian Hutchinson, National Post, 11-Jul-2009 ... more

12 Jul 2009

BOMB: Hunt for pipeline bomber draws harassment complaints
An RCMP team hunting for the EnCana pipeline bomber in northeastern British Columbia has been accused of harassing and intimidating people in an attempt to get a break in the case.
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 10-Jul-2009 ... more

10 Jul 2009

NaiKun offshore wind farm presents environmental dilemma
It’s a dilemma that forward-thinking, environmentally conscious people do not want to face: Will moving toward carbon-free energy sources mean disrupting bird migration routes and having a negative impact on wildlife populations?
Anne Murray, Georgia Straight, 09-Jul-2009 ... more

09 Jul 2009

BOMB: RCMP buoyed by new leads in B.C. pipeline bombings
Investigators probing a series of bombings that have hit EnCana Corp. gas pipelines in northeastern British Columbia — which RCMP have called acts of "domestic terrorism" — say they're encouraged by several new leads.
Becky Rynor, Renata D'Aliesio and Dan Healing, Canwest News Service, July 6, 2009 ... more

07 Jul 2009

Spain's Gas Natural may take stake in Canadian LNG
Following an agreement in June with Korea Gas, Spain's Gas Natural has agreed to take 30 percent of the output from the proposed Kitimat LNG terminal, as well as equity interest in the project.
Reuters, 06-Jul-2009
LNG pumped about $3B facility near Kitimat
Dave Cooper, Edmonton Journal, 07-Jul-2009 ... more

06 Jul 2009

BOMB: RCMP say 6th bomb targeting B.C. pipeline caused small sour gas leak
For the sixth time in nine months, and the second time in three days, a bomb has exploded near EnCana's natural gas pipeline in northeastern British Columbia.
Steve Mertl, Canadian Press, 04-Jul-2009 ... more

05 Jul 2009

China gives Teck breathing room on debt
China is taking a major stake (about 17.2 per cent of Teck's equity and a voting stake of 6.7 per cent) in Teck Resources Ltd. in a $1.7-billion deal that will give the Canadian miner a partnership with the world's largest commodity buyer and much needed cash to reduce its debt load.
Andy Hoffman, Globe and Mail, 03-Jul-2009
China's resource plays
Reuters July 3, 2009 ... more

04 Jul 2009

BOMB: Explosion caused pipeline leak, EnCana says
A spokeswoman for EnCana says a gas leak in northern B.C., not far from the site of four pipeline bombings, appears to have been caused by an explosion.
Sunny Dhillon, Globe and Mail, 01-Jul-2009
B.C. pipeline leak may have been caused by blast: EnCana
Laura Drake, Edmonton Journal, 01-Jul-2009 ... more

02 Jul 2009

Glowing reviews
Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia president and chief executive officer Gavin Dirom wants the Campbell administration to rescind its prohibition on uranium and thorium exploration and mining.
Sean Holman, Public Eye Radio, 28-Jun-2009 ... more

29 Jun 2009

BC Hydro's $825 Million Dam Deal
Representatives of both B.C. Hydro and Teck Resources Ltd. say they are happy with the $825-million price they negotiated for B.C. Hydro to take one-third ownership in the Waneta Dam, near Trail in southern B.C.
Andrew MacLeod,, June 26, 2009 ... more

29 Jun 2009

Crowd protests IPP project
Opponents of the proposed Glacier/Howser private hydro project crammed into a school gym in Kaslo, filling every chair, lining the walls and sitting on the floor during a project open house on June 23.
Sam Van Schie, Nelson Star, 24-Jun-2009 ... more

29 Jun 2009

New study underscores the importance of recycling and composting in achieving Zero Waste in Greater Vancouver
New study underscores the importance of recycling and composting in achieving Zero Waste in Greater Vancouver
News Release, Belkorp, 25-Jun-2009 ... more

26 Jun 2009

Companies have big plans for Metro's garbage
As Metro Vancouver inches closer to deciding what to do with its garbage, some of the companies offering potential solutions are doing their best to be noticed. Today, it's the turn of Covanta Energy and Green Island Energy, two companies that planned to unveil an update of a plan to turn a long-closed pulp mill at Gold River into a garbage incinerator.
Rebecca Tebrake, Vancouver Sun, 26-Jun-2009 ... more

26 Jun 2009

Energy producers make $178-million bet on B.C. shale gas play
Amid a supply glut of natural gas, companies have slapped down a surprise $178-million bet in British Columbia on the long-term future of the commodity.
Globe and Mail, 19-Jun-2009 ... more

19 Jun 2009

Carbon tax no cash cow in its first year
The provincial government paid out $38 million more in carbon tax breaks to British Columbians than it collected in carbon taxes in the first year of the climate-change initiative's implementation.
Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun, 10-Jun-2009 ... more

10 Jun 2009

B.C. Transmission Corp. receives approval for 255-km power line
The British Columbia Transmission Corp. on Tuesday received provincial environmental approval for its $602-million power transmission line between the Interior and the Lower Mainland.
Vancouver Sun, 10-Jun-2009 ... more

10 Jun 2009

Support for run-of-river projects runs along party lines
B.C. political parties are starkly divided on IPPs, with the NDP calling for a moratorium on run-of-river operations and the Liberals pushing for increased use.
Sam Cooper, The Province, 07-Jun-2009 ... more

09 Jun 2009

Political and industry insiders are jumping ship to IPPs
Are B.C. Liberals and independent power producers too cozy? Consider these facts and figures...
Sam Cooper, The Province, 07-Jun-2009 ... more

09 Jun 2009

Private power industry is booming in B.C., but is that a good thing?
Gordon Campbell wasn't kidding when he warned that the future of B.C. was at stake in the last election -- or at least its energy future. The fate of a booming clean-energy industry worth up to $14-billion hung in the balance ...
Sam Cooper, The Province, 07-Jun-2009 ... more

09 Jun 2009

Propaganda pipeline
Enbridge is footing the bill for a northern advocacy group to generate community support for its proposed $4.5-billion project The recently-formed Northern Gateway Alliance which is advocating support for Enbridge's $4.5 billion pipeline through northern B.C. is the brainchild of Enbridge and is being bankrolled by the company
Gordon Hoekstra, Prince George Citizen, 29-May-2009 ... more

03 Jun 2009

Tar sands and coast focus of forums
Oil sands and the risk to BC’s coastline was the topic for two authors at the end of a five-day tour of BC’s northwest. Ian McAllister and Andrew Nikiforuk presented a packed room what pipeline development will mean not only for the local ecosystems but also for the nation-at-large.
Kitimat Sentinel, 03-Jun-2009 ... more

03 Jun 2009

KOGAS signs MOU with Kitimat LNG
Kitimat LNG Inc. announced today that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), under which KOGAS will acquire up to 40 per cent of Kitimat LNG’s production and an option to acquire an equity stake in Kitimat LNG’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal.
News Release, Kitimat LNG, 01-Jun-2009 ... more

02 Jun 2009

NTL: Power to the northwest's people?
A northern pro-development group is attempting to seize the dual zeitgeist of carbon reduction and economic stimulus to kick-start construction of a power transmission line into the remote northwest.
Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun, 30-May-2009 ... more

30 May 2009

Hydro pays $62 million for homes near power lines
BC Hydro will pay $62 million to purchase about 100 homes near a controversial Tsawwassen power line
Jonathan Fowlie, Vancouver Sun, 27-May-2009 ... more

27 May 2009

BC Hydro spends $62 million on homes near high-voltage power lines
BC Hydro will pay $62 million to purchase about 100 homes near a controversial Tsawwassen power line, a document filed by the Crown corporation reveals.
Jonathan Fowlie, Vancouver Sun, 26-May-2009 ... more

27 May 2009

Valley airshed attracts pollution, power plants
Producing electricity within the high-demand Lower Mainland makes sense economically but can carry a high price environmentally. That's particularly pertinent in the Fraser Valley.
Brian Lewis, The Province, 26-May-2009 ... more

26 May 2009

Hydro seeking an overhaul of 'cornerstone' power plant
G.M. Shrum, the "cornerstone" generating station in British Columbia's electricity system, is in "poor health" due to the age and risk of failure among its oldest turbines.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 26-May-2009 ... more

26 May 2009

B.C. Liberals show a paler shade of green
Idea that Liberal victory was due to climate policy is just plain silly. Reflecting on the noise of the just concluded provincial election, an amusing turn of phrase comes to mind: "Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley of Dumb, I Shall Fear No Idiocy."
Chris Genovali, Times Colonist, 22-May-2009 ... more

22 May 2009

Campbell's carbon tax may go way of dodo
So where is Campbell's precious carbon tax? Out in the cold. The carbon tax is now effectively dead, south of the border. And if cap-and-trade becomes a reality in the U.S., Canada will surely follow suit, snuffing out any more carbon-tax brainstorms here as well.
Michael Smyth, The Province, 21-May-2009 ... more

21 May 2009

The Green Rift
On this night, the eve of Good Friday, not everyone's here to show respect. People are sharpening their verbal knives as they wait to form an audience with Tzeporah Berman.
Jesse Ferreras, Whistler Pique, 20-May-2009 ... more

21 May 2009

Letter from Guujaaw to John Carruthers (Enbridge) - Northern Gateway
John Carruthers President of Enbridge "Northern Gateway Pipeline" In response to your letter dated April 29th. You have invited us to attend a meeting in Kitimat on June 18 and 19, "to guide the design, construction, and operations of the... ... more
20 May 2009

Police relieved at silence of pipeline bomber
One-hundred-thirty-five. That’s how many days have passed since the Dawson Creek pipeline bomber last struck EnCana’s sour gas line near the tiny hamlet of Tomslake, 28 kilometres south of Dawson Creek, B.C., close to the Alberta-B.C. border.
Jamie Hall, Edmonton Journal, 19-May-2009 ... more

19 May 2009

Is Canada a petro-state or prosperous nation?
Imagine a Canada with an abundance of nature and wildlife, clean air and water, healthy citizens, and a prosperous economy. Sounds close to what we have, doesn’t it? But it may not be for long if we keep heading down the road we’re on.
David Suzuki and Faisal Moola, Georgia Straight, 19-May-2009 ... more

19 May 2009

NTL: B.C. power grid goes under the microscope
The B.C. Utilities Commission, acting upon orders from the Ministry of Energy, is in the early stages of an inquiry into the the shaping of the province's economic future -- and to realize the Liberal's ambition to make B.C. electricity self-sufficient through the expansion of its high-voltage electricity grid.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 19-May-2009 ... more

19 May 2009

Critics question long-term costs of aging Burrard generating plant
Some critics think the 50-year-old Burrard Thermal generating plant, located along the northwest Port Moody shoreline, should be junked.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 19-May-2009 ... more

19 May 2009

Oil cube lifted out of Robson Bight 'cleanly'
Observers on a barge in Robson Bight ecological reserve held their breath yesterday afternoon as a metal cube containing 1,400 litres of hydraulic oil was carefully pulled to the surface.
Judith Lavoie, Times Colonist, 16-May-2009 ... more

17 May 2009

Bute Inlet Project referred to Joint Panel Review
Canada’s Environment Minister Jim Prentice announced today that the proposed Bute Inlet Hydroelectric Project located about 150 km north of Powell River in British Columbia will undergo an environmental assessment by a federal review panel.
News Release, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, 14-May-2009 ... more

14 May 2009

Nelson ordered to stop exporting electricity
An alleged electricity arbitraging operation by the city of Nelson has been halted by the British Columbia Utilities Commission after protests by BC Hydro.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 13-May-2009 ... more

13 May 2009

BC Hydro, Teck talk power purchase
BC Hydro is negotiating with Teck Resources to purchase electricity from the company's Waneta generating facility near Trail in southeastern B.C.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 12-May-2009 ... more

12 May 2009

Oil spill at Kinder Morgan is 'fully contained'
About 200,000 litres of crude oil spilled from one of the tanks at the Kinder Morgan facility on Burnaby Mountain this week
C Myers, Burnaby Now, 09-May-2009 ... more

11 May 2009

BC Libs zapped regs for private power, doc shows
B.C.’s powers to protect key wildlife areas have been chiselled away by a government directive intended to placate private power companies, according to two environmental groups.
Geoff Dembicki, The, 07-May-2009 ... more

11 May 2009

B.C. scientists urge strategic voting to protect watersheds
Five leading conservationists and environmental scientists said yesterday that British Columbia watersheds are threatened by provincial government policies, and they urged the public to “vote strategically” in next week's election.
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 06-May-2009 ... more

07 May 2009

The Angriest Riding in BC
Cecil Dunn fought the provincial government and lost. For four years, he battled a proposal to build steel power poles in the backyards of Tsawwassen homes.
Geoff Dembicki,, 07-May-2009 ... more

07 May 2009

Does a carbon tax make the Liberals green?
The New Democratic Party's opposition to a carbon tax is a mistake. The result is that the NDP are pilloried as environmental dinosaurs, while the Liberals escape scrutiny for their own abysmal environmental record.
Vicky Husband, Times Colonist, 06-May-2009 ... more

06 May 2009

Kitimat project could be worth more than $1b to first nations
Some first nations stand to gain more than $1 billion in profits, taxes and business opportunities from a proposed liquid natural gas project in northern British Columbia, The Vancouver Sun has learned.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 30-Apr-2009 ... more

30 Apr 2009

Beyond the Carbon Tax
Despite the economic doom and gloom, catastrophes in fish farms and wild rivers, controversial multi-billion dollar highway schemes, in this election no one seems to care. Instead, the first 10 days of the election have been "virtually a referendum on the carbon tax."
Michael M'Gonigle & Blake Anderson, The Tyee, 30-Apr-2009 ... more

29 Apr 2009

Ban Carbon Emissions, Don’t Price them: Why Cap and Dividend is the Best Approach
The current debate over carbon taxes versus "Cap and Trade" is wrongheaded, but there is a solution that does work - the "Cap and Dividend" system.
Cliff Stainsby, Dogwood Initiative, Apr-2009 ... more

29 Apr 2009

Bullfrog Power Brings New Choice to British Columbians
Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading provider of 100 per cent green electricity, announced today that it is now offering British Columbia residents and businesses a new way to take a stand in support of low-impact renewable electricity and reduce their environmental impact.
News Release, Bullfrog Power, 24-Mar-2009
Tiny Bullfrog Power making a mark
Peter Gorrie, Toronto Star, 26-May-2008 ... more

28 Apr 2009

The devil is in the details of environmental policies
Voters have been presented with a bewildering array of environmental policies in the B.C. election.
Kathryn Harrison & David Green, Vancouver Sun, 28-Apr-2009 ... more

28 Apr 2009

B.C. projected to rival Alberta for gas production
British Columbia could rival Alberta as Canada's largest producer of natural gas within 10 to 20 years, a Vancouver Board of Trade energy forum heard Friday.
By Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 25-Apr-2009 ... more

25 Apr 2009

Tapping Our Wild Rivers Can't Fix Climate Change
Tzeporah Berman and her influential allies want us to believe that only by harnessing renewable "green" energy can we reduce global warming. And that the time for debate is past; now we must just do it. I'm one long-time environmentalist who couldn't disagree more.
Michael M'Gonigle,, 20-Apr-2009 ... more

21 Apr 2009

NDP jolt to power producers just what critics want
It didn't take independent power producers long to respond when the NDP released its campaign platform last week.
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 13-Apr-2009 ... more

13 Apr 2009

Kitimat LNG pipeline takes another step forward
A proposed $1.2-billion natural gas pipeline took another major step forward on Wednesday with the announcement of overwhelming support from first nations along the route.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 09-Apr-2009 ... more

09 Apr 2009

Boralex closes the acquisition of its first hydroelectric power station in British Columbia
Boralex Inc. ("Boralex" or the "Corporation") has concluded the acquisition, previously announced in June 2008, of the Ocean Falls hydroelectric power station located in Northern British Columbia.
News Release, Boralex, Reuters, 06-Mon-2009 ... more

07 Apr 2009

First of its kind tidal energy project closer to reality in Campbell River
A $2 million funding announcement Friday by the provincial government will help make Campbell River a leader in the national and global tidal energy field and result in the deployment of the first commercial scale tidal current electrical turbine in North America.
Campbell River Courier-Islander, 04-Apr-2009 ... more

07 Apr 2009

BC sells Powell Lake to California
BC Premier Gordon Campbell and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger have signed an agreement that gives California full rights to Powell Lake.
Powell River Peak, 01-Apr-2009 ... more

02 Apr 2009

California rejects B.C. green power claims
British Columbia’s effort to promote its hydroelectric energy exports to California as green power is failing.
By Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, April 2, 2009 ... more

02 Apr 2009

U.S. plan to flood Similkameen Valley draws B.C.'s attention
B.C. Environment Minister Barry Penner asked U.S. regulators Tuesday for intervenor status on a proposal by a Washington state utility to flood 3,650 hectares of B.C.’s Similkameen Valley for a hydro dam.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 31-Mar-2009 ... more

01 Apr 2009

Investor urges Enbridge to assess risk of delay
The prospect that Enbridge Inc. [ENB-T]'s $4-billion Gateway pipeline project, which would connect Alberta's oil sands with lucrative Asian markets, could become mired in disputes with first nations groups has at least one major shareholder demanding a reckoning.
David Ebner, Globe and Mail, 30-Mar-2009 ... more

31 Mar 2009

BC Hydro attacks conflict allegation
A conflict of interest allegation levelled against BC Hydro by an independent power producer should be struck from the record at a B.C. Utilities Commission hearing, the Crown corporation says.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 30-Mar-2009
Brookfield's letter of contrition, 26-Mar-2009 ... more

30 Mar 2009

The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources corrects misleading claims about electricity generation and independent power production in British Columbia.
Media Release, MEMPR, 25-Mar-2009 ... more

27 Mar 2009

‘No more run of river’ ­ B.C. Greens
B.C.'s Green Party wants to put an end to run of river hydro projects and focus on delivering electricity to British Columbians through conservation, says leader Jane Sterk.
Jesse Ferreras, Whistler Pique, 26-Mar-2009 ... more

27 Mar 2009

James tells business leaders she will lower, not raise, their taxes
Opposition leader Carole James spoke to business leaders in downtown Vancouver on Thursday and reminded them of something that not many of them expected from a New Democratic Party government.
Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun, 27-Mar-2009 ... more

27 Mar 2009

Pacific Trail Pipelines Kitimat to Summit Lake project clears another hurdle
Pacific Trail Pipelines Limited Partnership said Monday that its proposed Kitimat to Summit Lake Pipeline Looping Project has cleared another hurdle.
The Canadian Press, 24-Mar-2009
British Columbia LNG project gets green light
Cowan Thant Zin, Portworld News, 24 March 2009 ... more

25 Mar 2009

Private power protest goes viral
10000Voices.jpgA campaign by groups protesting the development of private power projects on British Columbia rivers has gone viral in an attempt to drown Liberal MLAs in a flood of messages tomorrow.
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 25-Mar-2009 ... more

25 Mar 2009

'Green' projects cry for analysis
This year's list of British Columbia's 10 most threatened rivers is a warning. A review of the boom in private power projects on rivers and creeks is overdue.
Editorial, Times Colonist, 25-Mar-2009 ... more

25 Mar 2009

'Green' energy threatens B.C. rivers, report warns
Half of B.C.'s 10 most threatened rivers are at risk from so-called green energy projects, according to an annual report released today by the Outdoor Recreation Council of B.C.
Larry Pynn, Vancouver Sun, 23-Mar-2009 ... more

23 Mar 2009

Proposed Pipeline Sparks Oil Spill Fears
With the 20th anniversary of the devastating Exxon Valdez oil spill coming up on March 24, concerns are mounting over a proposed twin pipeline megaproject running from Alberta to British Columbia that would cross hundreds of kilometres of untouched wilderness.
Chris Wirth & Joan Delaney, Epoch Times, 18-Mar-2009 ... more

20 Mar 2009

BC Hydro accused of electricity supply conflict
An independent power producer is accusing BC Hydro of an apparent conflict of interest over its management of bids for private sector electricity supply.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 20-Mar-2009 ... more

20 Mar 2009

BC Hydro electricity import controversy examined
One of the biggest controversies in the British Columbia electricity market revolves around the notion that BC Hydro is somehow overstating the province's dependence on imported electricity.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 17-Mar-2009 ... more

19 Mar 2009

IPPs push up power costs, industry says
BC Hydro customers could take a $400-million-per-year financial hit if the Crown corporation signs up too many independent power producers to sell it electricity, a spokesman for Hydro industrial customers is warning.
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, 18-Mar-2009 ... more

18 Mar 2009

First nations win court fight over major B.C. power projects
The B.C. Court of Appeal has issued two major rulings upholding the rights of first nations to be consulted by the government, which will affect two major projects in B.C.
Neal Hall, Vancouver Sun, 18-Feb-2009
Court rulings delay power projects
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, 19-Feb-2009 ... more

19 Feb 2009

BC Budget 2009: Commentary
A fiscal conversion, but not a philosophical one
Patrick Brethour, Globe and Mail, 17-Feb-2009
From surplus to 'frankly scary' in just one short year
Gary Mason, Globe and Mail, 18-Feb-2009
Budget sets some important benchmarks for tough months ahead
Editorial, Vancouver Sun, 18-Feb-2009
If, if, if -- modest deficit budget ripe for revision if things don't work out
Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun, 18-Feb-2009 ... more

18 Feb 2009

Big money for infrastructure as B.C. faces two-year deficit
British Columbia will run a $740-million deficit over the next two years, the government said Tuesday as it released a budget characterized by belt-tightening and fiscal restraint on one hand, and big infrastructure spending on the other.
Jonathan Fowlie, Vancouver Sun, 18-Feb-2009
Highlights of provincial budget
Vancouver Sun February 17, 2009
B.C. heads $495-million into the red
Justine Hunter, Globe and Mail, 17-Feb-2009 ... more

18 Feb 2009

The Liberals struggle to put highlights in this year's throne speech
The B.C. Liberal government's throne speech for 2009 was a muted affair, particularly for an election year.
Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun, 17-Feb-2009
B.C. Throne Speech targets homelessness
Justine Hunter, Globe and Mail, 17-Feb-2009 ... more

17 Feb 2009

Energy in the Throne Speech
Something old, not much new, transmission is big, IPPs too. ... more
16 Feb 2009

Securing our future energy supplies requires integrated planning
Given the increasing conflict in B.C. over IPPs, the importance of ensuring the province has a sufficient electricity supply, and the environmental consequences of any new electricity development, we are calling on the government to adopt an integrated provincial or regional planning process for new electricity supply. The status quo is not good enough.
Greg Gowe & George Hoberg, Vancouver Sun, 13-Feb-2009 ... more

14 Feb 2009

Pipeline would bring tankers into B.C. inlets
GS_Whales_120.jpgCaamano Sound is a universe away from the office towers of Edmonton, but these disparate locations are now inextricably linked by plans for the so-called Northern Gateway pipeline, which will connect Alberta with Kitimat on B.C.’s central coast. And you can’t talk about pipelines without discussing oil tankers plying some of the province’s most ecologically rich and diverse waters as they make their way from open ocean into Caamano Sound, around Gil Island, where B.C. Ferries’ Queen of the North foundered in 2006, and northeast up Douglas Channel to the port at Kitimat.
Andrew Findlay, Georgia Strait, 05-Feb-2009 ... more

07 Feb 2009

Powering the future
BC Hydro must cut its greenhouse gas emissions but continue to meet the province's growing power needs, which means choosing either natural gas or electric power as a main fuel source. Both have their supporters. Both need major investment. Both demand a commitment that will be difficult to break. So ... which will it be?
Justine Hunter, Globe and Mail, 31-Jan-2009 ... more

31 Jan 2009

Net-importer or not?
It's pretty clear: in 2008, BC generated considerably more power than British Columbians consumed. And that's the aspect of energy self-sufficiency that we should be concerned about, should it not?
Arthur Caldicott, GSXCCC, 30-Jan-2009 ... more

31 Jan 2009

Haida Nation and NaiKun Form Landmark Partnership
NaiKun Wind Energy Group Inc. and the Council of the Haida Nation announce the formation of a partnership in support of the development of Canada's first offshore wind energy project.
News Release, Naikun, 29-Jan-2009 ... more

29 Jan 2009

A test case for tackling the CO-2 challenge
The steel exhaust tower is the tallest structure for hundreds of kilometres. It spews 1.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually from the natural gas processed at Spectra Energy's massive Fort Nelson plant, the largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the province. These emissions are projected to double as a predicted natural gas boom north of town in the Horn River Basin takes off.
David Ebner, Globe and Mail, 21-Jan-2009 ... more

28 Jan 2009

B.C. Liberals selling out our energy future
There is an energy "gold rush" happening in British Columbia. With our mountainous terrain and wet-coast climate, we are poised to become the world's Saudi Arabia of sustainable energy from a variety of sources including run of river, wind and tidal power.
Ralph Keller, Arthur Caldicott & Jim Abram, Times Colonist, 28-Jan-2009 ... more

28 Jan 2009

Energy production a key to forestry revitalization
Forests and Range Minister Pat Bell was on a tour of rural communities in the region last week, including Revelstoke, Nakusp, Castlegar and Nelson. He says he’s looking for ways to reinvigorate the forest industry during the tour and is discussing his proposed four key points for a forestry revitalization.
By Aaron Orlando, Revelstoke Times Review, 12-Jan-2009 ... more

18 Jan 2009

BC Hydro changes tune over green energy cutbacks
Blistered by critics over its plan to scale back contracts for clean electricity because of economic uncertainty, BC Hydro this week moved to "clarify" that it may buy all the clean power it can get.
Justine Hunter, Globe and Mail, 15-Jan-2009 ... more

16 Jan 2009

Island coal mine working at capacity
Uncertainty in the global coal market does not appear to have affected Hillsborough Re-sources, which operates the Quinsam coal mine near Campbell River.
Andrew A. Duffy, Times Colonist, 16-Jan-2009
Hillsborough Resources Limited Updates Operations and Sales
News Release, Hillsborough Resources, 15-Jan-2009 ... more

16 Jan 2009

Tips flowing on pipeline bombings after EnCana reward offered
Police have received more than a dozen tips since EnCana’s offer Tuesday of a $500,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the pipeline bomber near Dawson Creek, B.C.
Jamie Hall, Edmonton Journal, 14-Jan-2009 ... more

15 Jan 2009

Powerlines linked to leukemia in B.C. report
Living close to high-voltage power lines may produce one additional case of leukemia every two years in B.C., according to “ballpark assumptions” by B.C. Centre for Disease Control environmental health experts.
Pamela Fayerman, Vancouver Sun, 12-Jan-2009
Is living near power lines bad for our health?
Ray Copes, MD & Prabjit Barn, MSc BC Medical Journal Vol. 50, No. 9, November 2008 page(s) 494—BC Centre for Disease Control ... more

13 Jan 2009

EnCana to announce reward into B.C. pipeline bombings
A “very significant cash reward” was set to be announced Tuesday in a joint news conference held by the RCMP and EnCana Corporation, an oil company that has been targeted in recent bombing attacks in northeastern B.C.
By Linda Nguyen, Canwest News Service, 13-Jan-2009
Neighbours frantic to catch pipeline bomber
After the first pipeline bombing, En-Cana security trucks drove up and down the darkened rural roads of the remote area of northeastern British Columbia every night, headlights flashing into the windows of houses along the unlit gravel pathways.
Laura Drake, Calgary Herald, 12-Jan-2009 ... more

12 Jan 2009

B.C. beckons ... and EnCana comes calling
As symbols go, EnCana's proposed Cabin natural gas plant in northeastern B.C. is big, in every sense of the word.
b>Patrick Brethour, Globe and Mail, 09-Jan-2009 ... more

09 Jan 2009

Coal-bed methane industry finds a home in Peace Country
Condemned in many British Columbia communities as an environmental hazard, coal-bed methane development has found a home in the Peace River Valley.
How much is out there
What is coal-bed methane? ... more

09 Jan 2009

Gordon Campbell's green dream meets the new world
Premier Gordon Campbell's dream of making British Columbia a continental hub of green-power generation may be short-circuited -- by BC Hydro, one of his government's own Crown corporations.
Miro Cernetig, Vancouver Sun, 07-Jan-2009 ... more

08 Jan 2009

Kitimat LNG has had interest in company stake
Kitimat LNG has received interest for a stake in the company, following an invitation for expressions of interest in November, the company told Reuters late on Monday.
Edward McAllister & Walter Bagley, Reuters, 06-Jan-2009 ... more

07 Jan 2009

Carbon offset venture is catching fire
Eleven months after the Pacific Carbon Trust was announced, the outfit is still advertising to do its first offset deal.
Les Leyne, Times Colonist, 06-Jan-2009 ... more

06 Jan 2009

Pipeline bombers probably local: expert
RCMP investigate fourth pipeline bombing in B.C.
There has been another pipeline explosion in northeast British Columbia, the RCMP said Monday.
Canwest News Service, Vancouver Sun, 05-Jan-2009
Pipeline bombers probably local: expert
Jamie Hall, The Edmonton Journal, 06-Jan-2009
Pipeline bombings 'increasingly violent': RCMP
The Canadian Press, Globe and Mail, 06-Jan-2009 ... more

06 Jan 2009

Lost in transmission
Homeowner Debbie McBride feels she has no choice but to accept a B.C. government offer on her Tsawwassen property and move away from new overhead power lines.
Kent Spencer, The Province 06-Jan-2009 ... more

06 Jan 2009

Owners in power line fight ponder offer to sell homes
A number of Tsawwassen homeowners involved in a high-voltage battle over power lines in their neighbourhood are considering a provincial government offer to buy their houses.
Canadian Press, Globe and Mail, 03-Jan-2009 ... more

03 Jan 2009

Multibillion-dollar gas plant planned in B.C.
EnCana Corp. has taken an early step toward building what could be a multibillion-dollar plant in northeastern British Columbia.
Wendy Stueck, Globe and Mail, 03-Jan-2009 ... more

03 Jan 2009 bc energy archives







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