following letter to BC Hydro from the BC Land Reserve Commission (LRC)
is a disappointment. It is testimony to the attitudes with which the
Commission approaches its mandate and responsibility to protect British
Columbia's farmlands.
From almost the first word, the Commission shows carelessness (The
Georgia Basin Crossing?), sycophancy (...thank you for your
excellent presentation...), and general empathy for Hydro (Your
difficulty ... is appreciated.) while showing none at all for the
farms and farmers the LRC are mandated to protect.
The case for protecting farmland should not hang on the slickness
of presentations. The first and highest purpose of agricultural land
is agriculture, not pipelines.
The value of this letter to BC Hydro is the weight it carries with
the NEB - who are more likely to give credibility to the appointed
commission (the same group who carry the legacy of the notorious Six
Mile Ranch fiasco, and - for Cowichan Valley residents with a longish
memory - the Averill Hills debacle) than they are to the farmers and
same Cobble Hill farmers and landowners have been virtually unanimous
in stating that they do not want the pipeline on their lands. They
have posted signs on their lands, have signed documents and petitions
objecting to the pipeline, and have made presentations to the LRC.
But they're just a bunch of farmers. Guess they just don't put together much of
a presentation.
August 2, 2000 letter from BC Land Reserve Commission to BC Hydro
August 2, 2000
Reply to the attention of Roger Cheetham
Ken Farquharson
British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority
333 Dunsmuir Street, 13th Floor
Vancouver, BC V6B 5R2
Dear Sir:
Re: Georgia Basin Crossing Project
Our Ref: J-33168
The Commission would like to thank you for your excellent presentation
on the 27th July 00.
Your difficulty in finding a route that is acceptable from the point
of view of impacts on urban development (residential, institutional,
commercial etc) and which also does not impact on agriculture and
forestry is appreciated.
Ideally the Commission would for obvious reasons have preferred a
route that avoided the reserves altogether. The Commission, however,
accepts that no such option exists that also avoids unacceptable impacts
on other land uses. The Commission is therefore prepared to go along
with the selected alignment and appreciates the work that you have
undertaken to inform it about the issues that have been identified
in previous meetings, subject to the comments below.
There are two sections of the proposed alignment that give rise to
particular concern. The one is in the Thain Road area. The Commission
has given careful consideration to both options proposed in this area
and has been unable to come to a conclusion as to which has the lessor
impact and is therefore to be preferred. Insofar as the Truswell option
is concerned the Commission is concerned about the impact of the route
on the erection of farm buildings, access etc and therefore would
like the route to be located as close as possible to Thain Road. Insofar
as the FLR route is concerned the Commission would like you to explore
options that result in no net loss in productivity, for example, by
investment in silviculture elsewhere.
The other section is that affecting the Granfield Estate. We understand
your reluctance to follow Aros Road but believe that there may be
possibilities of adjusting the alignment south and west of Granfield
Place so as to more closely follow property boundaries. By so doing
potential negative impacts on the location of farm buildings and access
will be reduced.
As was touched on briefly at the meeting, the Commission is likely
to impose requirements relating to the construction of the pipeline
to ensure no loss of productivity when the formal application is made
following NEB approval. These conditions will include measures that
ensure that the soil horizons are replaced properly and the depth
of the pipeline is sufficient not to interfere with existing and new
tile drainage and tillage operations.
Yours truly,
K. B. Miller , Chief Executive Officer
Marcia Farquhar, EAO
Wayne Haddow, Regional Agrologist, Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
Niels Holbek, Land Officer