BC Hydro defers BC Utilities Commission application
for CPCN for Vancouver Island Generation Project
BC Hydro
January 15, 2003
VANCOUVER ISLAND - BC Hydro has decided to defer application
to the BC Utilities Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity (CPCN) for the proposed Vancouver Island Generation Project
The requirement for a CPCN was referenced in the provincial government's new
Energy Plan, with BC Hydro working towards a January 15 application
"This delay is required to allow assessment of some
opportunities involving customer generation that have recently been brought to
BC Hydro's attention," said BC Hydro's Senior Vice-president, Distribution, Bev
Van Ruyven. "We seek proposals from our customers every six weeks on a
competitive basis. These opportunities are similar to the one announced
today with Weyerhaeuser in Kamloops, which will provide BC Hydro with 155
gigawatt-hours (GW.h) of
electricity at the low cost of 1.5 cents per kilowatt-hour (kW.h)."
BC Hydro will release more specific information on these
opportunities in the near future once they have been evaluated in more detail.
Depending on the results of this analysis, these opportunities could affect the
timing of VIGP.
BC Hydro's resource planning has determined that there is a
need for additional generation on Vancouver Island if our customers are to
maintain the high reliability of supply they have enjoyed up until now. When BC
Hydro moves forward with VIGP, it will submit an application to the BCUC for a