Final arguments in BCTC-VITR

In final arguments submitted this week to the BC Utilities Commission, the "heavyweight" intervenors are backing BC Transmission Corp's (BCTC) Vancouver Island Transmission Reinforcement (VITR), Option 1 or 2, which are overhead and underground routing on existing right-of-way through Tsawwassen. These intervenors are BCTC, BC Hydro, JIESC, CEC, BCOAPO.

The other intervenors are recommending other route options for VITR that don't go through Tsawwassen, and various Sea Breezey "VIC or VIC-like" and Juan de Fuca options.

The conclusion and recommendation in Sea Breeze's submission uses very peculiar language - humble, even obsequious, and at the same time futzing around the edges of the action in the probably vain hope that it'll pick up some business from the Commission's decision.

All the documents can be found at the BCTC -VITR project website.

The remaining bits of the schedule are as follows:

26-Apr-2006 Intervenors Reply to Intervenor Arguments
27-Apr-2006 BCTC Filing of Public Information on Cable Tenders
04-May-2006 BCTC Undertaking - Report on Cable Tenders
05-May-2006 BCTC Reply Argument
11-May-2006 Intervenor Submissions Arising from Cable Tender Information
12-May-2006 TRAHVOL Reply to BCTC (TRAHVOL Complaint)
16-May-2006 BCTC Reply to Submissions on Cable Tender Information
24-May-2006 Notice of Oral Phase of Argument (if required)
30-May-2006 Oral Phase of Argument (if required)

For a summary of the positions taken by intervenors who submitted argument by the 19-Apr-2006 deadline, click here.

Posted by Arthur Caldicott on 22 Apr 2006