BC Hydro issues F2006 Call for Power ... at last
BC Hydro issued the Fiscal 2006 (F2006) Open Call for Power (“CFT” or “Call”) on December 8, 2005.
BC Hydro is targeting to procure in this Call:
(a) 2500 GWh/year from Large Projects
(greater than 10 MW capacity)
approximately 2,500 GWh/year of firm electrical energy, of which approximately 900 GWh/year is available commencing on or before 1 November 2009, and approximately 1,600 GWh/year is available commencing on or before 1 November 2010, and associated non-firm electrical energy, from Projects, each having a Plant Capacity of 10 MW or more (“Large Projects”), built, owned and operated by independent power producers, and
(b) 200 GWh/year from a portfolio of Small Projects
(greater than 0.05 MW, less than 10 MW capacity)
(b) approximately 200 GWh/year (based on a portfolio of approximately 50 MW of aggregate Plant Capacity at a 50% capacity factor) of electrical energy from Projects, each having a Plant Capacity of greater than 0.05 MW, but less than 10 MW (“Small Projects”), to be available on or before 1 November 2010, built, owned and operated by independent power producers.
Full F2006 description here.
Key dates in the CFT schedule are as follows:
08-Dec-2005 -- Issuance of CFT
06-Jan-2006 -- Bidder registration deadline
20-Jan-2006 -- Bidders' workshops
07-Apr-2006 -- Tender submission deadline
11-Aug-2006 -- EPAs delivered to successful bidders
28-Aug-2006 -- Executed EPAs and performance security posted
TBD ------------ EPAs filed with BCUC
Full schedule here.
To monitor ongoing updates with the F2006 Call, visit this webpage:
Posted by Arthur Caldicott on 08 Dec 2005