Green Energy Advisory Task Force Members Named

For Immediate Release 2009EMPR0021-000655
November 20, 2009
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources


VICTORIA – The committee members of the Green Energy Advisory Task Force, dedicated to ensuring B.C. remains a leader in clean and renewable energy, were announced today by Blair Lekstrom, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Barry Penner, Minister of Environment, and John Yap, Minister of State for Climate Action.

“The new members of the Green Energy Advisory Task Force are leaders who will help us to turn green energy potential into real economic, environmental and social benefits for British Columbians,” said Lekstrom. “Advancing B.C.’s green energy potential is one of the highest priorities for British Columbia, and these leaders will help us to maximize our clean, green energy opportunities.”

As announced by Premier Gordon Campbell on Nov. 2, 2009, the Green Energy Advisory Task Force is composed of four advisory task force groups, reporting directly to the Cabinet Committee on Climate Action and Clean Energy, including:

Green Energy Advisory Task Force on Procurement and Regulatory Reform

This task force will recommend improvements to BC Hydro’s procurement and regulatory regimes to enhance clarity, certainty and competitiveness in promoting clean and cost-effective power generation; and identify possible improvements to future clean power calls and procurement processes.

Green Energy Advisory Task Force on Carbon Pricing, Trading and Export Market Development

This task force will develop recommendations to advance British Columbia’s interests in any future national or international cap and trade system, and to maximize the value of B.C.’s green-energy attributes in all power generated and distributed within and beyond B.C.’s borders. The task force will assess the market opportunity for B.C.’s clean and renewable electricity, plus any barriers and how they may be addressed, including any future national or international cap and trade system.

Green Energy Advisory Task Force on Community Engagement and First Nations Partnerships

This task force will develop recommendations to ensure that First Nations and communities see clear benefits from the development of clean and renewable electricity and have a clear opportunity for input in project development in their areas. It will work in partnership with First Nations, not only to respect their constitutional right, but to open up new opportunities for job creation and reflect the best practices in environmental protection.

Green Energy Advisory Task Force on Resource Development

This task force will identify impediments to and best practices for planning and permitting new clean, renewable-electricity generation to ensure that development happens in an environmentally sustainable way. The task force will also consider allocation of forest fibre to support energy development and invite input from solar, tidal, wave and other clean energy sectors to develop strategies to enhance their competitiveness.

“It’s encouraging that such a talented group of people care enough about British Columbia to dedicate their time and energy into helping us capture the environmental benefits of developing more renewable power, which is part of our fight against climate change,” said Penner.

The advisory task force groups will also undertake a comparative review of existing policies in other jurisdictions. The advisory task force group membership, listed in the backgrounder, consists of clean-energy experts, energy consultants, renowned climate experts, leading academics, First Nation representatives and environmentalists.

“The demand for clean energy is growing in B.C. and around the world,” said Yap. “The Green Energy Advisory Task Force will be an integral part of our province’s move towards a low-carbon economy where we focus on green jobs and new investment opportunities.”

Information on the new Green Energy Advisory Task Force can be found at Clean and renewable energy continues to be a cornerstone of British Columbia’s climate action plan that will create jobs, support families and generate new economic activity throughout British Columbia. Electricity self-sufficiency and clean and renewable power generation is integral to B.C.’s effort to reduce its carbon footprint and fight global warming.


A backgrounder follows.

Jake Jacobs, Media Relations
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
250 952-0628
250 213-6934 (cell)

November 20, 2009
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources


Advisory Task Force on Procurement and Regulatory Reform

  • Tim Newton, former vice president of Powerex, Director, Board of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (chair)
  • Larry Blain, CEO, Partnerships BC
  • Jeff Christian, litigator with Lawson Lundell
  • John Keating, founder and CEO of Canadian Hydro Developers
  • Dave Kusnierczyk, managing director of Fred Olsen Renewables Canada
  • Duncan McCallum, partner with the Public Sector and Infrastructure Group, RBC Capital Markets in Toronto
  • Mossadiq Umedaly, former chair of BC Hydro

Advisory Task Force on Carbon Pricing, Trading and Export Market Development

  • Cheryl L. Slusarchuk, partner with McCarthy Tetrault (chair)
  • Warren Brazier, chair of Clark Wilson LLP Energy and Natural Resources Practice Group
  • Scott MacDonald, CEO of Pacific Carbon Trust
  • Martin Merritt, former president and CEO of the Alberta Market Surveillance Administrator
  • Ren Orans, managing partner of Energy and Environmental Economics
  • James Tansey, president and co-founder of Offsetters BC

Advisory Task Force on Community Engagement and First Nations Partnerships

  • James Hoggan, president of Hoggan and Associates and chair of the David Suzuki Foundation (chair)
  • David Andrews, principal of Cloudworks Energy
  • Mike Bernier, mayor of Dawson Creek
  • Chief Ken Brown of the Klahoose First Nation
  • Peter Kirby, CEO of Xietl (Taku Tlingit)
  • Craig Lodge, president of Pinnacle Pellet Inc.
  • Dave Porter, CEO of the First Nations Energy and Mining Council

Advisory Task Force on Resource Development

  • John Webster, audit and assurance group partner of Price Waterhouse Coopers and director of Fuel Cell Canada (chair)
  • Craig Aspinall, manager of Public Policy for Western GeoPower Corporation
  • Tzeporah Berman, executive director and co-founder of PowerUp Canada and Co-Founder of ForestEthics
  • Paul Hemsley, president of Hemmera
  • Matt Horne, director of Energy Solutions, Pembina Institute
  • David Huggill, Western Canadian policy manager for the Canadian Wind Energy Association
  • Jonathan Rhone, president and CEO of Nexterra and chair of CleanTech CEO Alliance
  • John Walker, president and CEO of FortisBC
  • Dr. Steve Wilson, principal of EcoLogic Research

Jake Jacobs, Media Relations
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
250 952-0628
250 213-6934 (cell)


Posted by Arthur Caldicott on 20 Nov 2009