Letter from Guujaaw to John Carruthers (Enbridge) - Northern Gateway

John Carruthers
President of Enbridge
"Northern Gateway Pipeline"

In response to your letter dated April 29th.

You have invited us to attend a meeting in Kitimat on June 18 and 19, "to guide
the design, construction, and operations of the proposed project".

This project that you are proposing would necessitate the movement of tankers
through these waters on a daily basis, which of course, is of concern to us.

We are a people who depend on the health and well-being of the seas around us.

While we are not interested in helping you to 'design' this project, we
certainly will be involved in determining whether or not this project should
even be allowed.

Though we will not be attending, we invite you to come here and explain to our
people, why we should be expected to risk our way of life and our culture for
the sake of this project.

Thank you for your attention

Native News North, Yahoo Groups

Posted by Arthur Caldicott on 20 May 2009