No GHGs or tankers from Texada LNG: Powell River Regional District
zero greenhouse gas emissions ... from new gas-fired electricity generation stations
implement a ban on LNG tankers ... in Malaspina and Georgia Straits
The following resolution was adopted by the Powell River Regional District Board, May 22, 2008.
WHEREAS the Board of the Powell River Regional District supports the objectives of the BC Energy Plan of the Government of British Columbia which states:
1. Achieving electricity self-sufficiency is fundamental to our future energy security and that BC shall achieve electricity self-sufficiency by 2016.
2. For existing an new electricity plants the government will set policy around reaching zero net emissions through carbon offsets from other activities in British Columbia.
3. The government is committed to ensuring that British Columbia's electricity sector remains one of the cleanest in the world and that the province will require zero greenhouse gas emissions from any coal thermal electricity facilities which can be met through capture and sequestration technology.
AND WHEREAS WestPac LNG is soliciting interest to build an LNG import facility and and associated 600MW gas-fired electricity generating plant on Texada Island, the emissions from which could negatively impact the environment throughout the Powell River Regional District and beyond;
AND WHEREAS WestPac LNG's plans will involve the passage of a significant number of LNG tankers in the Georgia Strait, which will interfere with existing commercial and recreational marine traffic, put at risk these ecologically important and sensitive inland waters, and negatively impact upland development along this route;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, consistent with the Province's goal of energy self-sufficiency and clean power, the Board of the Powell River Regional District urge the Provincial government, as part of achieving the BC Energy Plan, to zero greenhouse gas emissions from new gas-fired electricity generation stations and to support a federal government ban on the passage of LNG tankers in the waters of the Malaspina and Georgia Straits;
AND FURTHER that the Regional Board request the federal government to implement a ban on LNG tanker as indicated above.
AND FURTHER that the Regional Board seek support for these initiatives from other Vancouver Island and mainland communities potentially impacted by WestPac LNG import plans.
Posted by Arthur Caldicott on 23 May 2008