BC Hydro launches Bioenergy Call for Power

February 6, 2008

BC Hydro to advance bioenergy production to utilize wood fibre

Vancouver – BC Hydro today released the first phase of its two-phase Bioenergy Call for Power with a request for proposals that will utilize forest-based biomass, including sawmill residues, logging debris and other residual wood for power production.

The Bioenergy Call will consist of two phases: the first phase will be a competitive request for proposals open to projects that are immediately viable and do not need new tenure from the Ministry of Forests and Range, with a goal of having electricity purchase agreements signed by fall of 2008.

The second phase will be launched by July 2008, after the ongoing biomass inventory and forest tenure analysis is completed by the Ministry of Forests and Range.

"This first phase will promote investment in new technology and take advantage of underutilized wood residue," said Rich Coleman, Minister of Forests and Range.

The Bioenergy Call for Power is a key component of the provincial government's Bioenergy Strategy, released last week, and the BC Energy Plan. It is intended to help address the effects of the mountain pine beetle infestation, while at the same time developing new sources of clean energy.

"The Bioenergy Call will help B.C. achieve its target for zero net greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen our long-term competitiveness and diversify rural economies," said Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.

"Bioenergy is an innovative new source of power that is also clean, and this Call for Power will help BC Hydro meet the province's growing electricity needs," said Bob Elton, BC Hydro President and CEO.

Susan Danard
Media Relations
Phone: (604) 623-4220

Posted by Arthur Caldicott on 06 Feb 2008