Campbell should step in to divert this power project

The Province
June 18, 2007

A Tsawwassen residents group's announcement last week that it's turning to the nation's top court to block a power project planned for its neighbourhood represents a milestone in the heated debate on this highly-charged issue.

The Tsawwassen Residents Against Higher Voltage Overhead Lines (TRAHVOL) has been trying to stop the B.C. government and the B.C. Transmission Corporation from replacing existing power lines with higher-voltage lines running through homeowners' backyards.

The lines supply electricity to Vancouver Island. But unlike most hydro rights-of-way, the four-kilometre section in Tsawwassen crosses about 150 residential backyards. It also crosses school and park property.

TRAHVOL's case against the power lines was rejected earlier this spring by the B.C. Court of Appeal. And now the group is seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.

In our view, this is not just another NIMBY issue -- but one that has everything to do with the right of Canadians to be able to enjoy their private property without having to worry about their health and safety.

The Tsawwassen group cites growing evidence that electro-magnetic fields from power lines are linked to childhood leukemia and other serious illnesses. But absolute proof of the harm the lines may cause has so far not been established by the medical/scientific community, making it hard for the homeowners to press their case.

Nevertheless, the residents are arguing that, in this case, the "precautionary principle" should apply -- and that, if there is even the possibility of such harm, caution should be exercised and the project should not proceed.

But let's face it, the fact that this group has had to take its case to Canada's highest court is a sad commentary on the way B.C. taxpayers are being treated -- especially since there appears to be a viable, alternative route for the power.

According to local pundits, the lines could be rerouted along the Deltaport right-of-way and over to Vancouver Island from Roberts Bank.

In fact, the local port authority says it could use the extra power so that docked ships don't have to continually run their particulate-emitting engines.

No, this power-line controversy has dragged on long enough. It's time Premier Gordon Campbell used his power to reach a sensible compromise.

Posted by Arthur Caldicott on 18 Jun 2007